
  • Higgs Monaghan may be shifting from villain to hero in Death Stranding 2: On the Beach.
  • Troy Baker's portrayal of Higgs in Death Stranding showcases a subtle change in behavior hinting at a possible redemption arc.
  • Higgs' burnt bridges with Fragile could lead to a dramatic heel turn in Death Stranding 2, testing alliances and connections.

Higgs Monaghan is a bombastic presence who acts as the main antagonist for the majority of the original Death Stranding and appears to be primed to make a return for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach. However, the state of Higgs' upcoming Death Stranding return is up in the air, as it isn't exactly obvious how players will interact with the character, or what role he'll be playing in the next title.

Taking a look at the eccentric way that Higgs monologs in the most recent trailer, there's a chance that the villain might be turning over a new leaf in Death Stranding 2: On the Beach. This new direction could also spell disaster for other characters close to Higgs and Sam, as they might not be too interested in working for the former big bad of their previous adventure.

Death Stranding 2 Has a Chance to Become Genre-Defining

As Kojima Productions tried to make Death Stranding the first in the Strand-type genre, the upcoming sequel can set the rules of the genre in stone.

Higgs Could be the Hero Death Stranding Needs

A Bombastic Monologue Unlike Any Other

From the vibrant physicality to the rapturous, sermon-like delivery of his lines, Troy Baker's portrayal of Higgs Monaghan is part of what makes the character stand out among an equally stellar cast in the original Death Stranding. However, while the mannerisms of Higgs have continued in the most recent showcase of the character, there is a subtle change in his behavior that could hint at a changing of sides for the former villain. His latest speech lacks the teeth that he had in previous encounters, with an honest attempt to enlighten Sam of the dangers surrounding him, rather than a malicious attempt at threats and attacks.

Most notable about Higgs though is the way that he brushes off the accusation of killing Lou, Sam's BB from the first Death Stranding. While Higgs has always had a flair for the dramatic, he isn't the type to not take credit for the deeds he's proud of, and the villain from the original would be more than excited to have ended a BB that caused him so much trouble. Instead, he prods at Sam for not being in the know of the troubles plaguing the world, before then testing the BB pod himself.

It's a small action that implies that while he might not be donning a hero's cape just yet, he's not aligned with the newest big bad that has still yet to be revealed.

Death Stranding 2 Can't Waste a Guitar Solo on One Note

Death Stranding 2: On The Beach Ninja Higgs Fight

Easily the most exciting part of the new look for Higgs in the latest Death Stranding 2 trailer is his electric guitar that earns its name by firing lightning bolts as he plays his combative melodies. Classing Higgs as a Bard isn't even that big of a leap for the character given that his most notable attacks on Sam have been vicious mockeries, but this new weapon is a bit out there even by Death Stranding standards. So, to hand this over to the same villain that pontificates briefly before sicking a BT on Sam and running away would be an absolute waste of such an instant icon.

The new look, new weapon, and even a new team of goons under his control have to speak to a major change coming from Higgs, and a role that might be a tough fit for him. It would be a well-worn narrative trope at this point, but one that still keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as a former villain struggles to play nice with the good guys. However, the drama that could come from clashing Higgs against his backstory with Fragile in Death Stranding 2 could be a compelling push and pull until eventually the tension breaks in one way or another.

Higgs' Burnt Bridges are Too Fragile to Last

No matter what Higgs' intentions may be in Death Stranding 2, the presence of the ocean of bad blood between him and Fragile is a prime wound for the series to keep picking at. That being said, if Higgs is switching sides, then his presence may push Fragile over the edge, leading to a heel turn from her by the end of the story. The fraying relationships between these characters as tension builds among the heroes could explain Death Stranding 2's tagline and questioning if connecting everyone was worth it.