
  • The Deadpool & Wolverine trailer showcases impressive action and maintains the mystery of the plot. The chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman is already electric.
  • Deadpool joins the MCU through the ongoing multiverse storyline. Wade learns about the MCU thanks to the TVA and his time-travel antics in Deadpool 2 are canon.
  • Deadpool's supporting cast returns in the film, with familiar faces from the Fox X-Men universe making an appearance. Deadpool keeps his R-Rating with foul-mouthed jokes and violence.

It has been six years since Deadpool 2, and fans have eagerly awaited the Merc With a Mouth to return for Deadpool 3. After Disney acquired the rights to the X-Men and Deadpool, anticipation has never been higher to see what Ryan Reynolds would do as a member of the MCU. Now, the time has come, and Deadpool & Wolverine features the first teaser, showing off some impressive action, whilst keeping the mystery of the plot alive.

Marvel: Wolverine's Best Friends

Despite Marvel's favorite X-Men member, Wolverine, featuring as more of a loner, he's built up some great friendships over the years.

Deadpool 3 may now be referred to as Deadpool & Wolverine, but that still doesn't give much of the plot away. There are many details from the film's first trailer that audiences might have missed, and hints going forward that may help to see where everyone's favorite metal-clawed hero and gun-shooting merc could go.

6 Deadpool & Wolverine's Violent Banter

The Chemistry Between Wade & Wilson Is Going To Be Electric

deadpool on the floor with wolverine's shadow over him

Wolverine doesn't appear much in the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer, but he certainly leaves a lasting impression from his silhouette revealing his metal claws, and the back of Hugh Jackman as he prepares to stab Deadpool. It's funny, and shows just how electric the chemistry of Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman is going to be for this movie.

Deadpool seems to have great banter with Logan, and he refers to him as an "ape". It's a chuckle-worthy moment, bringing in laughs as Wolverine goes to help him up by skewering him with his claws. Whilst the extent of Wovlerine's role is unknown, the chemistry is already undeniable.

5 Deadpool Joins The MCU

Deadpool Will Learn All About The MCU Thanks To The TVA

wade wilson saluting captain america

When Disney purchased 20th Century Fox, the cinematic rights to the X-Men and other Mutant characters were now usable by Marvel Studios. This led to many fans worried about what would happen to Deadpool, but it seems that the ongoing multiverse storyline in the MCU is the perfect time to bring Deadpool into the main universe. It makes sense narratively since Deadpool was messing around with time, and now the TVA has plucked him from the new timeline he created where he saved his friends and girlfriend.

MCU: Most Important Battles

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with fascinating battles, some of which have involved saving the world or the entire universe from disaster.

The current events in the MCU are going to be taught to Wade thanks to the trailer reveal with the TVA. What remains unknown, is what role Wade plays within the TVA itself. He happily accepts the invitation to join, and even receives a nice new suit from the TVA, but for what purpose?

4 Deadpool 2's Time Travel Antics Are Canon

Deadpool's Colorful Cast Of Characters Return

shatterstar, colossus, dopinder

Ever since fans became aware that Deadpool would be making his way to the MCU, there has been an understandable concern about the fate of his supporting cast. The first two movies in the franchise were full of such great characters, and it would have been a shame to see them all be forgotten.

Fortunately, the first trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine has confirmed that most of these characters will be making an appearance in the film. Vanessa, Colossus, Dopinder, Blind Al, Peter, Shatterstar, Yukio, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and more can all be seen celebrating Wade's birthday before the main events of the movie begin. It is not yet confirmed whether these characters will have a larger role in the movie, but it is good to see that they are all being acknowledged as Wade is dragged into the MCU.

3 Deadpool Remains Rated-R

Foul Mouth Jokes & Violence Debut In The MCU

wade wilson looking at the camera

Part of Deadpool's charm comes from the fact that he is a potty-mouthed character, one who pushes boundaries when it comes to his jokes. The mutant was able to flex this part of his personality quite comfortably when his movies were being made by Fox, but Disney is renowned for their family-friendly content. As a result, many Deadpool fans have been concerned about him being toned down now that he is in the MCU.

These fears have been sated in the past when Marvel Studios revealed that the new Deadpool movie would be rated R. However, the first trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine has confirmed that Deadpool will remain the same in terms of his foul-mouthed content, as one of the first lines in the trailer is a sex joke made at Disney's expense. Deadpool is back, and it appears he hasn't changed.

2 Familiar Faces From The Fox X-Men Universe

Pyro Returns, Begging The Question Of What Other Characters Are In The Final Film

pyro returns in deadpool 3

The X-Men movies that were made by 20th Century Fox contained many popular characters. As such, the fourteen movies made under that company feature many characters that fans would love to see again. The announcement that Hugh Jackman would be returning as Wolverine in the MCU had many people assume that many other Fox mutants would also be making an appearance.

6 Fox X-Men That Should Show Up In The MCU Next

Some of the best characters in Fox's X-Men franchise should be given a second chance within the MCU.

While the first Deadpool and Wolverine trailer did not show many other mutants on the side of the X-Men, there was confirmation that one previous character would be showing up in the film. In a quick moment, Aaron Stanford can be seen surrounded by a group of similarly dressed individuals. Stanford portrayed the mutant, Pyro, in the first trilogy of X-Men movies, and his reveal seems to suggest that more familiar faces could be making a return, much like the return of Kelsey Grammar as Beast in The Marvels.

1 The Void & The TVA

Returning Ideas & Characters From Disney Plus' Loki

deadpool watching a tva agent get sucked into alioth

One of the more popular concepts from recent MCU properties has been The Void, introduced in the fan-favorite Loki series. This desolate part of space was introduced as a location that the TVA used to deposit anything from timelines that no longer fit within their sacred timeline. With the Fox X-Men universe now dead, this location seemed like the perfect place to visit in an upcoming Deadpool movie. Eagle-eyed fans might also spot the 20th Century Fox logo at one point, among other Fox-related easter eggs.

Not only does this destroyed logo make another appearance in the first trailer for the movie, but the additional wreckage surrounding Wade and his enemies also confirms that a large part of the movie will take place in The Void, thanks to the appearance of Alioth. The TVA seems to be the perfect vessel to bring Deadpool into the MCU, as they exist outside of time and space, venturing through dimensions and the multiverse like a desk job to take care of anomalies, and it just so happens that Deadpool 2's time travel antics set off many anomalies in need of sorting out.

Deadpool & Wolverine releases in theaters July 26, 2024.

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