The second trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine hit the internet and has created even more hype for the upcoming MCU movie. While the first trailer only showed glimpses of Wade Wilson, and his upcoming inclusion into Disney's Marvel universe via the TVA, this second trailer focuses more on his teaming up with Wolverine. Of course, fans are excited to see Hugh Jackman reprise the role he has played for over twenty years now.

Best Deadpool Quotes In The Movies, Ranked

The Merc With a Mouth himself, Deadpool, has provided audiences with some hilarious fourth-wall-breaking quotes over the years.

However, while this trailer shows that this movie is going to act as a buddy comedy for the titular superheroes, not much else is known about the plot. The trailer seems to confirm that this movie will take place in the void which fans last saw in Loki season one. Other than that, there isn't much else that fans know about the events of Deadpool and Wolverine. The trailer did show us who some of the villains in the film will be, though.

6 Pyro

The Former Member Of The X-Men Makes A Return

Pyro in X2 and Deadpool and Wolverine
  • Played By: Aaron Stanford
  • Last Seen: X-Men: The Last Stand

Pyro may have had one of the most interesting character journeys in the first X-Men trilogy. Starting out as a student at Professor Xavier's school who could control fire, Pyro became fast friends with other teen heroes in the movies, Ice-Man and Rogue. However, the events in X2 saw the character slowly begin to agree with the villain Magneto's view of humanity, and so he joins his Brotherhood as a villain in X-Men: The Last Stand.

Unfortunately, Pyro didn't have much to do in his new villainous role, and he was nothing more than a henchman for Magneto. However, he is making a return in Deadpool and Wolverine, as the first trailer saw Pyro in a quick shot surrounded by what looks to be a group of other wasteland survivors. Perhaps this conflicted mutant is now the head of his own organization in this other reality.

5 Alioth

The Guardian Of The Void

ALlioth in Loki and Deadpool and Wolverine
  • Played By: N/A
  • Last Seen: Loki

An Alioth is more of a creature than a villain, but it still looks like it is going to play an antagonistic role in Deadpool and Wolverine. This creature was first introduced in Loki season one as an entity that was created by a variant of Kang to roam the void and erase anyone or anything that should not exist as part of the sacred timeline.

9 Reasons Why Fans Can't Get Enough of Tom Hiddleston's Loki

Despite the character's many flaws, Tom Hiddleston's Loki is a fan-favorite character in the Marvel universe for the following reasons.

When the TVA were shown in the first trailer for the movie, and speculation surrounded this movie taking place in the void, fans became convinced that an Alioth would make an appearance in Deadpool and Wolverine. The new trailer shows glimpses of the giant smoke monster in action, so the theories of the movie spending some time in the void seem to be accurate. It is most likely only going to appear in one action scene, but it is still great to see the producers of the MCU have not forgotten about the Alioth. It is supposed to all be connected, after all.

4 Azazel

A Trustworthy Henchman Is Returning To That Role

X-Men Azazel First Class and Deadpool and Wolverine
  • Played By: Jason Flemyng
  • Last Seen: X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class was released in 2011 as an attempt at a soft reboot for the X-Men movie franchise. This movie showed fans younger versions of old characters and also introduced new mutants to the mix. One of these new mutants is Azazel, who is a demonic-looking man with the power to teleport. He mainly acts as a voiceless henchman for the movie's main villain, Sebastian Shaw, and is confirmed as dead in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Despite his small role in the previous X-Men canon, it looks like Azazel is making a return to the movies, as he can clearly be seen standing outside the giant Ant-Man head that is shown in the trailer. Some of the other characters shown alongside him are quite blurry, but Azazel is instantly recognizable with his red skin and black suit. He looks to be playing another henchman role, which makes sense since he has never fought Wolverine or Deadpool in the movies before.

3 Lady Deathstrike

Wolverine's Equal Is Also Roaming The Void

Lady Deathstrike in X2 and Deadpool and Wolverine
  • Played By: Jane Lun
  • Last Seen: X2: X-Men United

X2 explores the origins of Wolverine at the hands of the evil William Stryker. In that movie, the X-Men discover that the scientist has spent years experimenting on mutants and trying to find a way to wipe them out for good. One of these experiments was a female who was given long adamantium claws, and her first encounter with Wolverine led to one of the best fights in the franchise. It is so fast-paced and dangerous, that Wolverine barely escapes the experience with his life.

10 Best X-Men Villains Of All Time, Ranked

There have been a lot of great X-Men villains seen throughout the series. Here are some of the greatest of all time.

Lady Deathstrike is one of the mutants from the franchise that many fans would like to see more of, and it looks like that is going to happen. Lady Deathstrike is also seen in the trailer shot alongside Azazel, and she stands out among the crowd thanks to her long, silver claws. She may be working as a henchman for the main villain, but let's hope she gets a rematch with Wolverine.

2 Mr. Paradox

A New Member Of The TVA

Deadpool and Wolverine Mr Paradox
  • Played By: Matthew Macfayden
  • Last Seen: N/A

So far in the MCU, many of the people working for the TVA have been revealed to have villainous intentions. The entire organization was once under the control of Kang, and many agents have wished that things would return that way after the events in the Loki series. Both trailers have confirmed that the TVA will play a big part in Deadpool and Wolverine and that the events of the movie are put in motion by a mysterious man in a suit, who was revealed to be a new character called Mr. Paradox at CinemaCon 2024.

Now, there is no evidence that suggests Mr Paradox is necessarily a villain. However, the trailers have shown that he is enlisting Deadpool to act on his behalf on an unknown mission. Given the history of the TVA, it wouldn't be surprising to see Mr Paradox perform a double cross that frames him as a new villain.

1 Cassandra Nova

Professor X's Evil Twin

Deadpool and Wolverine Cassandra Nova-1
  • Played By: Emma Corrin
  • Last Seen: N/A

There are three main characters who are shown off in the new trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine. Deadpool, Wolverine, and a mysterious bald woman with psychic powers. This woman is surely the main villain of the movie and has been largely hinted at as being the character Cassandra Nova.

In the comics, Cassandra Nova is the evil twin of Professor Xavier, and she has all his powers of telepathy and telekinesis. There is no telling what she will be like in the movie, but it clearly shows that Cassandra is in control of what is going on in the void, and is someone who Deadpool and Wolverine have been sent to stop. She is definitely more of a personal threat than a physical one, so it will be great to see how she interacts with both Deadpool, Wolverine and all the other villains in the movie.

X-Men Movies: Hugh Jackman's Best Performances As Wolverine, Ranked

With Hugh Jackman's imminent return as Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine, this is a look back on the Australian actor's best work as the character.