Deadpool 3 will be just as gritty and raunchy as it would have been before its entrance into the MCU, according to Shawn Levy. His comments indicate that third entry into the franchise will still be as violent as ever.

Deadpool 3, which is set to bring Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine, has some fans worried about its rating. While the Deadpool franchise has previously been rated R, the move to Disney and the MCU made some fans wonder if the character would be toned down. The MCU has never had an entry rated above PG-13, and tends to skew towards family friendly humor. While there is some innuendo that only adults may understand, it never really ventured into the type of raunchy humor Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is known for.

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In an exclusive interview with Collider, Levy explained what it's been like writing the film, and firmly established that the series would continue to be rated R:

“We are writing, rewriting, developing, prepping ‘ Deadpool’ every day now. It is such a blast to laugh every day. It is so delicious to hear and write and come up with these scenes where people are just talking foul. And the violence is in your face and hardcore, and it's very much a ‘ Deadpool’ movie. And it has Logan in it. And it has Wolverine in it. It's too fun. I'm having so much fun, and I haven't even hit the shooting floor yet. [...] I have to say, developing a ‘ Deadpool’ movie is one of the most fun creative experiences of my life because it's not just that it's rated R. It's that it's so filled with self-awareness, and that makes in-writing very, very fun in a way that is unique to that franchise.”

Levy further explained that one of the biggest regrets of his career was acquiescing to the studio behind The Internship, a 2013 film starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. That film was apparently the victim of studio notes from executives, who felt the movie would do better if it were rated PG-13 rather than R. Levy cut down the R-Rated cut of the film into a PG-13 cut, which he says was ultimately the inferior product.

Fans have had hope that the MCU would be entering some darker waters soon. Disney Plus has recently added R-Rated movies into its library, which fans have taken as a sign that a rated R film set in the MCU isn't entirely off the table. Though the MCU brand has ultimately settled on a family friendly tone, various MCU-adjacent projects have dabbled in darker material. The Netflix series, for example, have been rated R before, but their canonicity is hotly debated.

There are also rumors that Daredevil: Born Again will be rated R. Its predecessor, Daredevil, was rated R when it aired on Netflix, and was a beloved tv show. Fans are also concerned about that project moving to Disney+, because they worry that the new series won't be as gritty as the original. Based on Levy's comments, it's possible that these rumors are accurate after all - while it's impossible to know for certain about that project, Levy seems convinced that Deadpool 3, at least, will retain its original rating.

Deadpool 3 is out on November 8, 2024.

MORE: Deadpool 3: 8 Deadpool & Wolverine Comic Moments The Movie Should Recreate

Source: Collider