In the past, Marvel Studios proved that they’re great at setting up big, game-changing events and creating epic team-ups amongst heroes from all walks of life. Now that it’s been said and done, there’s only so much they can do to reinvent this strategy and keep their projects feeling fresh. A lot of fans are skeptical about whether or not the MCU will be able to top the epic Infinity Saga, so perhaps instead of trying to go bigger, Marvel should focus on what they could have done better.

Recent films like Eternals have been well-liked by fans, but received lackluster reviews from critics, who seemed unable to get past the shortcomings of the movie. That’s not to say Marvel fans never have their own criticisms of the franchise, as seen by the backlash Black Widow received when it didn’t live up to the high viewer expectations, but both of these films garnered mixed reviews from viewers. With so many new superhero movies coming out, it’s getting harder and harder for Marvel to keep up the pace and make their new projects as compelling as their last. It seems as if the MCU is struggling to get both fans and critics on board with their new projects, unlike the way audiences everywhere all agreed that movies like Avengers: Infinity War were absolutely unparalleled.

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Marvel is in the process of switching up their major heroes, giving new characters a chance to shine in the spotlight now that so many of the beloved originals are gone from the universe. As it turns out, Deadpool will be one of these frontrunners, now that Deadpool 3 will officially be part of the MCU.

Bringing Deadpool To The MCU

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Introducing Deadpool into the official MCU is a long-awaited, yet surprising, decision for Marvel Studios, since his image is much different than the typical clean-cut heroes that have been created thus far. Deadpool certainly isn’t one of the family-friendly characters Marvel can share with Disney Plus, so the MCU should ditch their current strategies and follow the formula Fox used to make Deadpool and Deadpool 2 such a success. Given their recent box office blunders (that is, when comparing their newer films to previous MCU hits) Marvel should use Deadpool 3 to acknowledge their flaws.

Part of Deadpool’s charm is his extreme sense of self-awareness. He knows exactly who he is and he doesn’t apologize for it. Deadpool can be immature, his methods aren’t always the best and he’s obnoxiously vulgar. For his unique character alone, these personality traits work, because he has such a deep sense of self and is hyper-aware of how he comes across to others. If Deadpool didn’t acknowledge these character flaws himself, he’d certainly seem far more arrogant, unlikable, and villainous. Thankfully, he knows how to make fun of himself and the world around him, which makes him such a fan favorite among superhero audiences.

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Additionally, the original Deadpool movie not only poked fun at the character, it laughed at the failures of previous Fox films, including X-Men and Green Lantern. Deadpool often makes Wolverine the punchline of his jokes in the movies, because the character was much different in the X-Men films than he was in the Marvel comics, where he and Deadpool are actually friends. A lot of fans feel that the film version of Wolverine is inferior to the version in the comics, which Deadpool himself also acknowledges. Later on, when Deadpool demands his super-suit not be green or animated, he’s referencing Ryan Reynolds’ first attempt at being the hero Green Lantern, which truthfully didn’t go as well as expected.

Both of these examples not only gave Fox the chance to make something great out of their previous mess-ups, but popularized metafiction in big-name superhero franchises through fourth wall breaks. These wall breaks were part of what set the Deadpool series apart from any other superhero movie that’s been made, and created more depth by linking Deadpool’s universe to the outside world.

Marvel's Many Points Of Mockery

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There are plenty of scenarios in the MCU that fans have expressed strong (and pretty negative) opinions about that would make for excellent Deadpool comedy. For example, Loki’s romantic interest in a variant of himself, the fact that it took years for the MCU to finally start headlining women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ characters in their projects, and Steve’s mysterious journey into the past are all areas of the franchise that could have been better, or done differently.

Acknowledging issues like this in Deadpool 3 with an air of comedy could perhaps offer fans some sort of closure or comfort in knowing that Marvel is aware of their shortcomings. Given how charming Deadpool’s own self-awareness is, audiences would surely respond well to the MCU taking on a similar perspective and allowing him to rag on the questionable decisions Marvel has made in the past.

Deadpool 3 is expected to premiere in 2023.

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