Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool 3 is still a long way away from hitting theaters, but the writers of the film assured fans when it comes to the Merc with a Mouth's humor, nothing in the MCU will be off-limits.

Deadpool is one of the most iconic comic book characters, especially when it comes to the anti-heroes of Marvel. While some call him a comedic version of DC Comics' Deathstroke, Deadpool has gone on to become his own character while also garnering his own fan base.

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Now that Deadpool is finally coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), fans couldn't stop speculating about what this will mean for Disney's band of heroes. Now, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have discussed the upcoming Deadpool 3 while recently being featured on the Post Credits Podcast. Reese said, "How many movies have they given us? 25? 26? 28? Something like that. We have a treasure trove of things to poke fun at now… and Deadpool’s an equal [opportunist] so everyone’s fair game."

Deadpool 3 Ryan Reynolds Marvel Studios

While fans don't know who will appear alongside Deadpool when he joins the MCU, the writers have obviously put some thought into it. The duo also noted that they have thought about which MCU characters Deadpool would get along with or despise. "Look, I do think we do obviously sit in our head and imagine Deadpool having a conversation with character ‘X,’ character ‘Y,’ character ‘C,’ because right there, you just go, ‘Is that funny or isn’t it?’ And the answer is very often, ‘Yes.’"

When it comes to anti-heroes, many fans obviously are quick to point to Wade Wilson or Deadpool as one of their faves. The fact that his two solo movies did a very good job at selling tickets and solidifying him as a top-tier character proves the value he brings. Imagine what will happen once Deadpool has the Disney machine behind him and their incredible reach when it comes to marketing.

Here's hoping things keep coming into fruition and that there won't be a repeat of what happened in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Fans are hoping that this is the beginning of a new era for Marvel, one where the fans actually get what they want, creators get work without limits, and everyone is happy.

Deadpool 3 is currently in development at Marvel Studios.

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Source: The Post Credit Podcast