The hype for Deadpool 3 has been steadily building since the project was first announced, and fans are excited to see how the Merc with a Mouth will fare in the MCU. The creators have assured viewers that the film will maintain the same adult rating as the first two films, guaranteeing another action-packed film with crass humor and tons of fun.

The movie’s plot details are still being kept heavily under wraps, but there’s likely going to be a handful of new characters to star alongside Deadpool, now that Wade Wilson will be heading to a brand-new universe. There are plenty of other characters that could liven up the film, if they were to make their official MCU debut in Deadpool 3.

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Although it may be mostly wishful thinking, fans would definitely love to see Wolverine take center stage with Deadpool in his next movie. After years of comedic references and an obvious obsession with the headstrong hero, pairing these two together in Deadpool 3 would make for one epic team-up.

If Marvel found a way to bring him into the fold, it would certainly have fans celebrating, though it could easily complicate the timelines of previous films. Regardless, a lot of Deadpool fans are still holding out for the day that this new and improved Deadpool gets some face-to-face time with Wolverine.


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Death was originally supposed to be a part of the MCU during the Infinity Saga, according to Thanos and Cable actor, Josh Brolin. Throughout the Marvel Comics, Death had intimate relationships with both Thanos and Deadpool, which often led to the two of them fighting each other.

Originally, Death’s relationship with Thanos was supposed to be referenced during the Avengers saga, but nothing ever came of it. The Russo brothers decided that this particular storyline didn’t fit with the current MCU agenda and the version of Thanos that had been created for the films, so the idea was scrapped.

Clearly, Death’s character is something Marvel Studios is interested in, but not everything can make it to the final cut. Rather than bringing her into the MCU with ties to Thanos, using her connection to Wade in Deadpool 3 would be the perfect introduction for this powerful, chaotic character.


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Siryn was actually a very minor character in the X-Men movies, mostly sticking to the background without any major screen time or character development. Her character was one of the many children that went to Professor X’s school for mutant children, but her comic book counterpart actually has a lengthy history with Deadpool.

Siryn was one of Deadpool’s most trusted allies in the Marvel Comics, and was a fully grown adult by the time they crossed paths. The daughter of Banshee, Siryn’s greatest power is her supersonic scream, which she uses to disarm her enemies. She and Wade worked together to fight crime on multiple occasions, leading to a close friendship that would make for an interesting dynamic in Deadpool 3. Even without her ties to Deadpool, Siryn’s journey towards heroism is complex and messy in her comic book origins, which would make her a great addition to the MCU’s current hero lineup.

Brother Voodoo

brother voodoo

When Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness rumors were running rampant, some fans began speculating that Brother Voodoo would be making an appearance in the sequel film. Although he wound up never joining the heroes in Doctor Strange 2, he does have a connection to both Strange and Deadpool in the comics.

These three characters worked together for a short time, after Strange hired Deadpool to aid them in patching up some multiversal damage done to the universe. The MCU is huge on emphasizing the multiverse and the mystic arts right now, so given that Deadpool is coming to the MCU from another universe, Brother Voodoo might be the perfect character to help him through this unusual transition.



Copycat was the alias that Vanessa Carlysle used in the comics, although those who have seen Deadpool 2 know that the live-action Vanessa was the victim of an unfortunate fridging plot line, in an otherwise decent film. Whether there are plans to bring her back is still a mystery, though it would be nice to see her return as a superhero sometime in the future.

Copycat was one of Deadpool’s most notable allies in the comics because of their romantic relationship, and her ability to shape-shift into anyone she chooses makes her quite a formidable mutant. It’s possible that actress Morena Baccarin could return in future films, assuming Wade finds a way to cheat death. The Loki show on Disney Plus also showed viewers that variants don’t have to look identical, meaning the MCU could introduce another actress for the part. Either way, Deadpool coming across a Copycat variant of the Vanessa he knew in his own world would be quite the shock for both his character and audiences.

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