Since the announcement that Hugh Jackman will return as Wolverine in Deadpool 3, fans have wondered if more members of the X-Men will appear in the upcoming movie. Rob Liefield, one of the creators of the character Deadpool, may have given fans some hope that Wolverine will not be the only X-Man in the movie.

Five years after Deadpool 2 hit theaters, Deadpool 3 is finally underway. Deadpool 3 will be the first movie featuring the wisecracking Merc with a Mouth that integrates Deadpool into the MCU. Previously, the character appeared in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the first two Deadpool movies. In all three movies, Ryan Reynolds portrayed Deadpool and will reprise the role in the third movie.

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Reynolds and Jackman won’t be the only familiar faces in Deadpool 3. During an appearance on the Nuke the Fridge YouTube channel, Liefield revealed he’d seen the Deadpool 3 cast list and was excited about the names on the roster. "Some stuff I was aware of, I had to be quiet before it was announced," he said. "I knew Hugh and Ryan were getting back together for 'Wolverine 3.' I've been very fortunate people put stuff in front of me. And trust me, all I'm saying is, I saw that cast list. I think people are just going to freakin' get blown away, and I'm not saying shit more than what I just said."

The X-Men Trilogy Cast

"I see what you're doing. Look, here's the deal, guys. You know what, I was very honored. Mr. Feige reached out to me late last summer, wanted my input on some decisions," Liefield said when asked directly if he could confirm or deny rumors regarding the return of more X-Men. "Then we had a follow-up meeting with the producers. I was just honored that they wanted to have my input and they would say, 'We're considering a lot of different roads, a lot of different paths.'" His carefully crafted answer isn't a yes, but it isn't a no, either.

Liefield's comments raise one important question: who else will appear in Deadpool 3? Since Deadpool and Wolverine have connections to the X-Men, the obvious answer is that at least one member of the mutant team will appear. Liefield's comments about fans getting "blown away" by some of the actors who will appear in Deadpool 3 suggest that fans can expect some big names to return. Who those big names will be remains a mystery, but some logical guesses would include Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, James Marsden, and Ian McKellen.

Although Liefield kept the details of the list to himself, eager fans may have already been given a hint about one of those big names on the cast list. After Halle Berry posted a picture of herself sporting suspiciously familiar white hair the day Deadpool 3 began filming, fans immediately assumed that Storm would be featured in the movie. While the picture alone isn't convincing, the picture paired with Liefield's comments makes a stronger argument that Storm may return to the big screen.

Deadpool 3 is set to hit theaters on May 3, 2024.

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Source: Nuke the Fridge/YouTube