When Deadly Premonition was released back in 2010, few really knew what to make of it. The game, which heavily borrowed themes and plot points from the television series Twin Peaks, was baffling and riddled with bugs. Despite this, fans loved Deadly Premonition, earning the game cult classic status. In 2020, fans are less forgiving of buggy games with poor framerates and insensitive characterizations, so the first patch for Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise looks to address these issues.

The first game in the series ascended to legendary status with an off-the-rails plot, clunky programming that somehow made the game more charming, and an engaging protagonist in FBI agent Francis York Morgan. Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise continues in that same framework, as players follow York to Le Carre, Louisiana on another case.

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This time around, reviews are similarly a mixed bag, with many folks pointing out the framerate issues, minor glitches, and bugs. There has also been considerable criticism focused on transgender character, Lena Dauman, and their dialogue. Director Hidetaka "Swery" Suehiro has formally apologized for the characterization and is addressing this in the patch released for the game.

With the patch now live, some problematic dialogue has been removed and edited, and a first pass has been done on fixing the framerate issue with Deadly Premonition 2. Reporting indicates that the patch doesn't do much for the framerate crawl, but it is likely this patch was expedited to address the more pressing issue of transgender representation, and Swery does indicate that an additional patch will be released down the road to further fix the framerate problems.

deadly premonition 2 york bowling weird

The game has also been plagued with endlessly looping sounds, missing textures, and complete crashes, but these issues appear to not have been addressed yet.

Issues aside, Deadly Premonition 2 still delivers on the quirky content that made the original so much fun. Francis York Morgan still shines in this one, and the game is filled with goofy asides, like the Chef of Tradition sidequest, where finding the ingredients for a dish at Alexus' Diner, players are rewarded with the Jambalaya de FBI.

Deadly Premonition 2 was high on the list of anticipated games for the month of July, and despite some hiccups out of the gate, it seems likely the game will settle in nicely alongside its predecessor as a truly unique experience.

Deadly Premonition 2 is out now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: No More Heroes and Deadly Premonition Rumored to Be Collaborating on Secret Project

Source: Eurogamer