
  • The Dead Space remake successfully brought the franchise back into the spotlight, introducing it to new players while reminding old fans why it was so successful.
  • Dead Space's dark and unsettling tone, as well as its psychological narrative, could greatly enhance Resident Evil 9.
  • Resident Evil 9 could benefit from Dead Space's cohesive and immersive level design, avoiding the jarring third-act change of scenery present in previous Resident Evil games.

Last year's excellent remake of Dead Space not only managed to prove that the classic space-bound survival horror title still holds up, but that it excels in many areas. Although the two franchises are remarkably different, especially in terms of setting and tone, there's plenty that the next Resident Evil game could learn from 2023's Dead Space.

While it may not have been a brand-new entry in the Dead Space canon, the Dead Space remake managed to bring the beloved franchise back into the public consciousness, introducing it to new players and reminding old fans why it was such a success in the first place. The key elements of the original game are all there, but the remake also instituted several key changes. Obvious adjustments, like the major visual overhaul, certainly make for a different experience, but more behind-the-scenes tweaks such as the much-lauded Intensity Director also serve to make the game feel fresh and innovative while still being familiar. As far as Resident Evil 9 is concerned, Capcom would do well to learn from Dead Space's modern enhancements as well as its core strengths.

Why Dead Space 2 Remake Might Have a Harder Time Standing Out

The Dead Space remake brought myriad improvements to the original's formula, but Dead Space 2 Remake may struggle to replicate that feat.

How Resident Evil 9 Should Draw from the Dead Space Remake

Resident Evil 9 Should Learn from Dead Space's Tone

Neither franchise is inherently better than the other, but it's hard to argue that Resident Evil is as scary as the first two Dead Space games. Dead Space's Isaac isn't a highly trained operative in a city overrun by monsters, he's an engineer stranded on a derelict spaceship, with only a handful of allies. There is no way to escape, and no authorities coming to the rescue. Resident Evil 9 doesn't need to go as far as being set in space, but it could certainly adapt some of Dead Space's dark and unsettling tonal aspects, especially if it learns from some of the remake's new additions, like the overwhelming use of darkness and Isaac's implementation.

Dead Space's Personal, Psychological Narrative Could Work Wonders in Resident Evil 9

Isaac Clarke is a fantastic protagonist for a horror game, borrowing more from Silent Hill's narrative philosophy than Resident Evil's; he isn't a gun-toting, unstoppable force. Rather, he is a desperate, terrified man in over his head and tormented by psychological issues that are worsened by the influence of the Marker. These aspects of his character are elevated in the remake, mainly through the addition of voice acting, which makes Isaac feel more tangible and believable.

Resident Evil dabbled in this more intimate sort of storytelling with Ethan Winters in Resident Evil 7 and it worked well, allowing players to connect with his mission to save his wife—a much more relatable goal than sabotaging a secret lab or saving the U.S. President's daughter. At the same time, RE7 and Village arguably didn't dig deep enough, barely scratching the surface of Ethan's psyche or exploring his dark side. Learning from Dead Space and its remake, RE9 could lean further into narrative themes like denial, trauma, and guilt.

Resident Evil 9 Needs Dead Space's USG Ishimura

One trend that Resident Evil could do away with is the jarring third-act change of scenery. Resident Evil games often present players with unique locations filled with mysteries to uncover, but they will ultimately take players to some sort of lab near the end, damaging the sense of cohesion. Dead Space's USG Ishimura, on the other hand, is consistent throughout, forcing players to learn the ship's layout and gain an intimate understanding of the space, an understanding which is gleefully ripped away thanks to the remake's Intensity Director, which makes backtracking feel tense and immersive.

Drawing upon the level design, horror elements, and bold narrative choices of the original Dead Space could elevate Resident Evil 9 in a number of valuable ways. And if RE9 can learn from the modernizations and enhancements that came with the 2023 Dead Space remake, then it would be even better.