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While the story points of each chapter in the remake of Dead Space have been pretty faithful to the original game, the fourth and fifth chapter are where things start to have more noticeable changes. In the original game, the reason Isaac went back to Medical was to synthesize a poison to deal with the Necromorph causing oxygen to drop in Hydroponics.

In the remake, Isaac instead goes to Medical to investigate a strange broadcast where Nicole implores survivors to come to Medical where they will be safe. Here is what Dead Space players can expect as they go into the fifth chapter, Lethal Devotion.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

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Go to Medical


Right after the fourth chapter ends, the locator will point players in the direction of the tram station. Take the tram back to Medical and head to the lobby. Upon arriving in the lobby, the doors lock and Isaac is contacted by Dr. Mercer. After one of the doors open, go through it and use the Level 2 security clearance to open lockers along the way.


During this early part of the fifth chapter, players will have their first encounter with a Guardian. Guardians are a special kind of Necromorph that is embedded onto the walls. They spit out little pods that will launch their own projectile attacks. In order to defeat a Guardian, shoot and dismember all the tentacles that are coming from the middle of it. Players that get too close to a Guardian that still has tentacles will be instantly killed, so make sure that it is dead before proceeding.

After the Guardian is dealt with, use the cargo lift to go up to the next level. In order to enter the next area, shoot the glowing blisters like in the third chapter to open up paths and doorways that are blocked off. From here, follow the locator toward the Chemical/Cryogenic Labs. There is a Power Node on the wall, so make sure to grab it while going to the Chemical Lab.

How to Escape from the Hunter


Inside the Chemical Lab, there is a hologram of Nicole playing on a loop. Upon turning off the transmission, a cutscene will play. Once Dr. Mercer is done talking, a large Necromorph known as the Hunter jumps out of the tank it was sleeping in.

Unlike other Necromorphs, when a Hunter gets dismembered it simply regenerates its lost limbs after a while. In short, the Hunter cannot be defeated in the same way that other Necromorphs can. In spite of this, completely dismember the Hunter to progress the story. Kendra will regain contact with Isaac and unlock a door so that he can escape from the Hunter. Players are not safe yet, as the Hunter will begin to chase them as soon as it has fully regenerated.

When it comes to dealing with the Hunter, there are several different strategies that work well. While it uses up a lot of ammo, the best way to slow down the Hunter is to completely dismember it and then hit it with stasis. When the Hunter is just a torso and frozen with stasis, it takes significantly longer to get back up. Alternatively, shooting out its legs and then freezing it with stasis works as well. If ammo is scarce, players can just use stasis and then run.

Keep running back toward the lobby, but watch out for the group of Swarmers. Once players reach the lobby, they are safe from the Hunter for the time being.

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How to Lift the Lockdown


In order to escape, the lockdown of Medical will need to be lifted. Unfortunately, this can only be done at Dr. Mercer's office. Follow the locator to quickly reach his office. Before arriving there, however, players will get trapped in a large medical room with the Hunter. Look for the battery and quickly insert it into the slot to open a locked door. The Hunter is not alone this time, so Dead Space players will need to deal with several other Necromorphs while keeping as much distance between them and the Hunter as possible.

While following the locator, keep an eye out for a door that requires Level 2 security clearance. Inside this small room is the Line Gun. There is also a Power Node in this room, so players interested in upgrading their weapons or suit will want to grab it. Right outside the Intensive Care Unit, there is another Guardian. Deal with it and then move on to Dr. Mercer's office.


Before lifting the lockdown, make sure to grab the Ruby Semiconductor that is setting on a desk next to the body of an Infector. When ready, use the terminal to lift the lockdown. The injured crewman in the office wakes up and tells Isaac that there is poison gas flowing through Hydroponics and that he came to medical to try and find liquid nitrogen.

How to Stop the Poison Gas


Dr. Mercer wastes no time and fills the entire area with poison gas. There are several Oxygen Recharge Stations throughout the area, but players will want to follow the locator and move as fast as possible to avoid dying. While running to the terminal that controls life support, players will run into the Hunter once again. Use the same tactics as the last two encounters to get away from it. The life support terminal is located in the lobby.

Go to the Cryogenic Lab


With the poison gas filtered out, players can go to the Cryogenic Lab to retrieve some liquid nitrogen. Follow the locator to reach the Cryogenic Lab. In the middle of the room is a chamber with a cannister of liquid nitrogen. While this may seem like a trap, it is not.

Instead, when players pick up the liquid nitrogen, Dr. Mercer will begin talking about his plans to bring Necromorphs to Earth in an attempt to trigger a Convergence Event. As he leaves, the Hunter shows up yet again. Players no longer need to worry about running from the Hunter, it is now time to fight it.

How to Beat the Hunter


Unfortunately, the Hunter can still regenerate from any damage done to it. So players will need to use an unconventional strategy to take it out. All players need to do is lure the Hunter into the middle of the chamber where they found the liquid nitrogen. Once it is in the middle of the room, dismember its arms and legs. Once the Hunter falls to the ground, hit it with stasis and then run into the room where Dr. Mercer was. Keep an eye out for Lurkers, as they do spawn during this boss fight.

There is a terminal in this room that allows players to control the cryogenic freezing system. Activate this terminal while the Hunter is still inside that chamber, and it will get frozen solid and be sent off to Cryo Storage.


With the Hunter dealt with, Kendra contacts Isaac. Considering how quickly the poison gas in Hydroponics is spreading, Isaac decides to go there to try and stop it. In the meantime, Kendra has been unable to locate Hammond, who has not been heard from since the end of the fourth chapter. After this conversation ends, the fifth chapter draws to a close and the sixth chapter begins.

Dead Space is available now on PlayStation 5, Steam, and Xbox Series X/S.