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When playing the remake of Dead Space, players have many different options when it comes to difficulty. Whether they want to just experience the story or overcome a more difficult challenge, there is a setting for every player. EA Motive also made sure to cater to players who always want a more difficult challenge.

Impossible was a difficulty even back during the original game, but it could only be accessed after beating the game once. Now, players can start a new game on Impossible right out of the gate. Impossible is significantly more difficult this time around, so here are some tips and tricks for how players can beat Dead Space on its hardest difficulty.

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Save Frequently


In the description for Impossible, it says that players have only one life and one save file. While this may sound like players can only save once, that is not the case. What this means is that players can not make multiple save slots. So while there is no auto-saving and only one save slot, players can use any save point they come across. That way, players don't have to beat the majority an eight to twelve hour game in one sitting and focus more on playing cautiously. Impossible mode leaves absolutely no room for error and saving frequently allows players to get out of a situation that is going badly.

Use Stasis Regularly


The stasis module is acquired early on in the first chapter. It allows players to slow down certain hazards and Necromorphs. This can be especially helpful in situations where Dead Space players are trapped in a room with Necromorphs jumping out of every vent. A little bit of dismembering to slow down enemies combined with stasis can make all the difference in many dangerous encounters that players will come across.

Use the Environment as a Weapon


Since Impossible is tuned similarly to Hard, players will burn through ammo quickly if they don't rely on other methods for taking out Necromorphs. Luckily the USG Ishimura is filled with all sorts of dangerous objects that can be used as improvised weapons by picking them up with the kinesis module. Whether it is a fan blade from a vent, an explosive barrel, or the long metal poles, there are many random objects that can solve any Necromorph related problems players may have.

Even Necromorphs can be turned against each other. After killing a Necromorph, players can use kinesis to pull off limbs from it and then launch them at other enemies. This also includes the explosive limb of Exploders. Since ammo conservation is key, players will want to make sure to use kinesis to kill enemies as much as possible.

Choose Wisely


Since players will need to manage their inventory carefully, it is recommended to only use two weapons when playing on Impossible difficulty. Since there are only so many Power Nodes that can be found in boxes across the Ishimura, players will need to focus only one or two weapons to fully upgrade while also making sure to upgrade their health and oxygen on their RIG. While any weapon can help players beat Impossible, it is important for players to pick weapons they will be comfortable using. Some good options include the Plasma Cutter, Ripper, and Line Gun.

Watch Out for Hazards


Even if Dead Space players have little to no trouble dealing with Necromorphs, they aren't the only thing that can end an Impossible attempt. If players accidentally wander into an environmental hazard like electrified flooring, fire, or acid spewing machines, they will have to start their Impossible run all over again. Thankfully this can be avoided if players stay vigilant and stay mindful of their surroundings at all times.

Dead Space is available now on PlayStation 5, Steam, and Xbox Series X/S.