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While getting the code from the Captain's Rig opened up more systems on the USG Ishimura, Isaac, Hammond, and Kendra are facing new problems. The Ishimura is tethered to a giant chunk of Aegis VII and is slowly falling out of orbit. Left unchecked, it'll destroy the ship along with killing anyone who is still alive.

While Isaac's top priority is still to find Nicole, he's the only one who can stop the Ishimura from crashing onto Aegis VII. As players make their way to Engineering, here is what they can expect in the third chapter of Dead Space, Course Correction.

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

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A Walk Outside


As soon as the third chapter begins, Hammond turns off the gravity in the Hangar Bay. With several tram stations still under lockdown, the only way to get to Engineering is by walking along the exterior of the Ishimura. When Dead Space players are ready, they should go straight outside and move toward the door. There is an Oxygen Recharge Station nearby, but players will still want to be mindful of their oxygen meter. This is a short section, so players don't have to worry about air for long.

Once players are back inside the Ishimura, they should make their way to the tram station for Engineering and lift the lockdown. Doing so opens this area for fast travel in the future. When ready, go back and use the Store as needed. Then approach the terminal in the middle of the hub for Engineering. With the report from the terminal, Isaac discovers that the engines are somehow out of fuel and the centrifuge is offline.

Activate the Refuel Stations


The first order of business is to head down to the fuel pumps and get fuel back into the engines. Along the way, players will come across a corpse with the Ripper laying next to them. After picking up this weapon, keep moving toward the refuel pumps.

Be careful with how many weapons Isaac has equipped at any given time. Even if a weapon is simply just in inventory and not equipped, players will get more ammo for those guns and inventory can fill up excessively fast. While inventory space is limited, it is best to just have two weapons and put the rest into storage for the time being.

The refuel station is a big place, and there are two refuel pumps. The first one is on the south side while the other is on the north side. Unfortunately, there is no power, so the pumps cannot be used at present. To fix this, players will need to locate a fuel station keycard in this area order to open the door to fuel management where power can be restored.


Once inside fuel management, players will face a dilemma. There is enough power on the circuit breaker for just two things, so players must choose to turn off lights or turn of life support so that they can operate the fuel pumps. This choice is entirely up to players, but for this walkthrough the lights were turned off. With power restored to the pumps, head back to the south fuel pump and activate it. Then use the gondola to go back toward the north fuel pump.

Head to the Centrifuge


With fuel back in the engines, the next step is to go down to the centrifuge and get it running again. This will require players to return to the Engineering hub near the start of the area. An Infector will be in this area, so players will need to be prepared to deal with it before it can turn all the dead bodies in the room into Necromorphs.

Before players can reach the centrifuge, they will need to go through a decontamination chamber. Once the room is activated, several Necromorphs will drop into the room and attack. Players will need to be on their toes and keeping moving around the room to avoid getting grabbed. Once the cycle is complete, leave the room and grab the nearby schematic for a Medium Med Pack. Further ahead is a long, curved hallway that leads to the centrifuge.

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How to Activate the Centrifuge


The centrifuge chamber is a zero-g environment. In order to restart the centrifuge, players will need to locate the two Generator Modules and move them toward the centrifuge with kinesis. Before connecting them with the centrifuge, stop moving them and use stasis to slow down the spinning part of the Generator Module. While attaching the Generator Modules, players will get attacked by Leapers.


Once both modules are attached, head back toward the terminal to restart the centrifuge. At this time, the area also becomes a vacuum and players will need to make their way back up toward the elevator. On top of having to worry about air, players will need to run along the area where the centrifuge is spinning. Run toward the giant spinning part and hide in each alcove to avoid getting instantly killed. Keep moving and use the elevator to go back up toward the door to leave the centrifuge chamber.

Shoot the Tentacle


As players enter the long hallway again, a scripted event will occur where Isaac gets grabbed by a large tentacle and is slowly dragged toward a hole, just like in the original game. To avoid dying, players must aim for the large glowing weak spot on the tentacle. If players are quick enough, they will successfully destroy the tentacle.


Follow the locator to reach a room with large fans. This area has no gravity, and players will need to find a way past the fans in order to reach a circuit breaker on the other side. Hit the middle of one of the fans with stasis and then quickly boost past it while it is slowed down. While at the circuit breaker, make sure to shut off the fans and then divert power to the door.

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Go to the Engine Room


The next area has a lot of organic growth covering the walls. Be sure to grab the Flame Thrower from the corpse on the wall, and keep moving through the area. As a new mechanic that wasn't in the original Dead Space, players will need to shoot large glowing blisters to destroy parts of the organic growth that are blocking doors and passages.

In this area, players will encounter small crawling enemies called Swarmers. They are easy to kill, but what they lack in health they make up for with sheer numbers. If players accidentally run into a group of Swarmers, they can potentially get killed due to how many there are. Before moving on, look for a door near the elevator. Inside this room is a Power Node and an audio log. Keep an eye out for a door to the Lower Deck Supply Room and destroy the blister blocking the door. Inside this room is a Gold Semiconducter, which can be sold for a decent amount of Credits.


After arriving in the Engine Room, look around for a spare battery to insert into the red socket. Once the battery is inserted, the Ishimura Computer will take care of the rest and begin priming the ignition chamber. While this takes place, get ready for battle as a large wave of Necromorphs come running into the Engine Room to investigate all the noise. Once all the Necromorphs have been dealt with, head up to the terminal to ignite the engines and allow the autopilot to bring the Ishimura back up into orbit.

Unfortunately the Ishimura is not out of danger just yet. As it goes back up into orbit, there is a lot of debris from the giant chunk of rock that it is tethered to. The Asteroid Defense System (ADS) is offline, and without it all it would take is a few hits to completely destroy the Ishimura. Hammond tells Isaac to head to the bridge and see what he can do to fix the issue before the Ishimura is destroyed.

Nicole's Investigation


Before leaving Engineering, if players are working on the side quest involving Nicole, they will want to head down to the Machine Shop. At the far end of this room is a door where a hologram of Nicole will play. She discusses her findings as she does an autopsy on a dismembered Necromorph and the side quest updates with the next location players will need to go to.

If Dead Space players are on Chapter 3, they will not be able to continue this side quest until later in the game. Once ready, use the tram to head to the Bridge and the fourth chapter will begin and players will get a trophy/achievement for completing the third chapter.

Dead Space is available now on PlayStation 5, Steam, and Xbox Series X/S.