The Dead Space remake is a gorgeous, but grim horror game that is the perfect way to begin 2023. It fits with the winter months as space is indeed cold and horrifying. The story is a bit cliche and players can probably see where it is going a mile away.

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That said, the Dead Space remake does have some memorable quotes. One of the pluses of this remake is that Isaac Clarke, the main character, speaks. He did so in the sequels but not in the original. Now, some of these quotes from Isaac and the rest of the cast are haunting while others are hilarious albeit in a grim fashion.

There will be spoilers in this celebration of the best quotes.

8 “Who Could Do That Much Damage To A Planet Cracker?”

First contact with the necromorphs in the Dead Space remake

This is the famous last words of Aiden Chen, one of the soldiers working with Hammond. Soon after he says that the emergency lights go on in the ship and they get attacked by Necromorphs. Chen is brutally gutted by one of these monsters right up against the glass and Isaac is powerless to help him. He also can’t defend himself after Necromorphs get into his station, so he has to run away. It’s a terrifying start to a horror game as it sets the stakes high.

7 “Cut Off Their Limbs.”

Getting the Plasma Cutter in the Dead Space remake

This quote is drawn from a blood scrawl on the walls and is not a direct line from a character. The first time players see it is when they gain the Plasma Cutter. It’s a great piece of advice that makes sense within the game contextually.

Smear the blood, leave the tactic, and the gun, and die peacefully knowing that you made a difference. That’s presumably what the person who did this thought before they died traumatically. There are a lot of other good messages seen throughout Dead Space, but this is the best one worth mentioning.

6 “And How Does Losing My Team Fit Into This Theory?”

Talking to Hammond in the Dead Space remake

This line was said by Hammond after Kendra accused him of insider knowledge about halfway through the game. Now, something was clearly not right with this rescue mission to the USG Ishimura. It goes beyond the Necromorphs as well.

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In both the original and remake, Kendra is trying to get Isaac to think Hammond knew what was going on before they landed. The big twist toward the end is that Kendra was the spy all along.

5 “And I Doubt Even You Can Stop A Convergence Event Fueled By The Entire Population Of Earth.”

Talking to Mercer in the Dead Space remake

That is a dark threat shared by Dr. Mercer right before the first Hunter showdown in the cryolab. That seems to be his goal with the USG Ishimura. He wants to somehow get the Marker to Earth, infect the planet, and then maybe infect the universe.

His plan is reminiscent of a Saturday morning cartoon villain except his threat has weight behind it. Dr. Mercer has a lot of creepy quotes in the game besides this like multiple audio diaries wherein he dissects live patients. Sometimes hearing someone get cut up is worse than watching the event transpire because imaginations run wild.

4 “Riskier Than Running Out Of Air?”

Talking to Cross in the Dead Space remake

If it isn’t one thing it’s another for poor old Isaac. Toward the end of the game, the air starts to get polluted. On his way to food storage, he is stopped by Dr. Cross via a video call who explains the situation.

Even after laying out the risks, Isaac still decides he has to go through with her plan. He is right in that doing nothing is better than suffocating to death. Well, being torn apart by monsters and then being reborn as a monster could be worse than choking. Thankfully, Isaac is quite capable as a horror game protagonist.

3 “No One Trained You To Carve Up Monsters With A Plasma Cutter Either.”

Talking to Hammond on the radio in the Dead Space remake

Isaac began Dead Space as an engineer and ended the game as an action hero. After the military rescue ship crashes into the USG Ishimura, Isaac gets tasked to retrieve the ship’s core to use with an escape vessel.

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On his way Hammond gives Isaac a little pep talk, reminding him he is capable of doing anything. A normal engineer wouldn’t have survived as long against the hordes of monsters. Isaac, thanks to players, became a surgeon with his weaponry thanks mostly to the unstoppable Plasma Cutter.

2 “We Can Be Whole Again.”

Talking to Nicole in the Dead Space remake

This is a repeated line by Nicole throughout the many chapters of Dead Space. They are remixed every once in a while but the sentiment remains the same every time. Nicole wants to be with Isaac again, but not in a physical form alone.

She wants to unite body and soul with the help of the Marker although she doesn’t say this outright. Of course, the real Nicole wouldn’t think this way. This was all an act set up by the Marker itself who disguised Dr. Cross as Nicole and Isaac looked like Jacob Temple, the USG Ishimura’s chief engineer, to her.

1 “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star…”

Isaac without his helmet in the Dead Space remake

The Marker has another great and sinister line that it repeats in the game that was also used in the marketing. It’s recommended that players wear headphones when they play the game. That’s a hot tip that will help in combat but it should also help players hear secret messages.

Players can hear whispers and extra pieces of dialogue if they pay attention like the haunting melody of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” sung occasionally. It’s never revealed who is singing, but it’s probably Nicole since it must be in Isaac’s mind. Using nursery rhymes to unsettle the audience is a cliche for many horror games and movies, so it fits with Dead Space.

The Dead Space remake was released on January 27, 2023, and is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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