The Dead Space remake is possibly everything fans could have wanted from an updated version of this horror game. For those that missed the original in 2008, the gameplay setup is simple. Players are sent to an abandoned ship in space which is sending out a distress signal. It turns out the crew has been infected with a wild virus that turns everyone into mutated zombies with blades for arms.

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Get weapons, shoot off limbs, explore the ship, and repeat. It’s a classic survival horror game that learned from the best. Speaking of learning, let’s go through some more in-depth tips on how to succeed early on in the Dead Space remake.

8 Wear Headphones

Talking to Hammond in the Dead Space remake

The Dead Space remake has one of the best audio systems in a game so far in 2023 and horror games in general. It’s a good thing that didn’t change in the remake although some additional audio was added like giving Isaac Clarke, the main character, a voice.

The audio goes beyond being around to scare the players. It’s there to signal them if danger is close as well. Wearing headphones will clue players into whenever a Necromorph is closing in on them. Players should even be able to detect where they are coming in from be it from the ceiling vents or somewhere on the floor.

7 The Difficulty Modes

The difficulty menu in the Dead Space remake

There are more difficulty modes in this remake than in the original release. They go beyond giving players more ammo on the easier settings. For example, Story is the only difficulty in the game wherein health will recharge automatically, making the game more accessible than ever.

It’s a huge assist and more games should learn from the Dead Space remake. Alternately, the Impossible difficulty will create one of the most intense horror experiences imaginable. It does grant players a special suit for completing it though.

6 Stomp Any Body

Fighting Necromorphs in the Dead Space remake

When an enemy goes down, run up to it as soon as possible and stomp the ever-living heck out of it. Do this until it drops an item, signaling players that it is dead for good. This is a lesson that goes beyond combat situations.

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If players see a Necromorph body on the ground, stomp that as well. It doesn’t matter if it is playing possum or is truly dead. Do this for wounded humans too as there are cases where they can come back on return trips through the USG Ishimura. Prevention is the best tactic in any horror game.

5 Stasis To The Max Around Chargers

The Stasis recharge station in the Dead Space remake

There are a lot of ways to conserve ammo in the game. The best way is through using your psychic-like abilities through Stasis and Kinesis. Kinesis will not require a huge amount of energy to hurl things at enemies such as explosive tanks.

Stasis uses a lot but in fairness, it is an incredibly strong tool. If there is a charging station nearby, use both of these powers as much as possible. For example, players can easily use Stasis to shoot a leg off of a Necromorph and then they should stomp it until it dies.

4 Be Proactive, Save

The save station in the Dead Space remake

Death is one of the worst things players can suffer in a game as that will reset progress. The Dead Space remake has brutal deaths too which can cause a lot of gross-out anxiety. That can damage the mind if players lose too much, making them not want to go in.

There are checkpoints and autosaves but their occurrence is not signaled toward players well. That’s why players should save every time they pass by a save station. It doesn’t matter if they saved a minute beforehand. They should do it to be proactive as there’s no harm in over-preparing.

3 Important Upgrades

The upgrade bench in the Dead Space remake

Nodes return in the remake to upgrade Isaac’s weapons and suit in various ways. They can increase HP, for example, on his suit. Players should hold off on any suit upgrades initially besides buying new suits as soon as possible. Unlocking capacity slots for any of Isaac’s guns should come first.

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This will allow players to technically carry more ammo. Also, when players upgrade their capacity, the ammo is reloaded for free. This is a hot tip to conserve ammo which isn’t handy for the easier settings but it is crucial for the harder challenges.

2 Main The Plasma Cutter

Getting the Plasma Cutter in the Dead Space remake

Here’s another, perhaps riskier upgrade tip. The Plasma Cutter is the best weapon in the game. So, in theory, players could main this gun in the Dead Space remake and come out victorious easily. It’s one of the best starting weapons in a game ever.

The second weapon, Pulse Rifle, is great for mowing down hordes of enemies but it uses a lot of ammo. Also, it cannot slice through tendrils as easily as the Plasma Cutter can and the same goes for a majority of weapons. The Plasma Cutter has the perfect balance and players may want to consider focusing upgrades on it, and Isaac’s suit eventually. This isn’t a tip to live by, but it is one to consider.

1 It’s Okay To Run

First contact with the necromorphs in the Dead Space remake

It may sound cowardly, but this is a horror game where senses are heightened more and more after every chapter. Ammo can be scarce on the harder difficulties as can healing applications. No one wants to run low on items in a horror game and even with a store, it can be easy to run out in the Dead Space remake.

That’s why running away should be considered. Don’t do it for hallways that will be reused time and time again. Save retreats for areas where it seems like there is no reason to return. As always in a horror game, be sure to study the map.

The Dead Space remake was released on January 27, 2023, and is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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