
  • Dead Space's revival with the remake was met with critical acclaim, but rumors suggest the IP is going dormant again
  • The franchise's history of highs and lows may have culminated in a bittersweet ending with the beloved Dead Space remake.
  • If the franchise really is getting shelved, at least it's ending on a high note, as opposed to the controversial Dead Space 3.

The Dead Space franchise has a bit of a complicated legacy. When the first Dead Space was released all the way back in 2008, it received critical acclaim pretty much across the board, with many reviewers deeming it to be the next major evolution for the survival horror genre. This goodwill continued through the release of Dead Space 2 in 2011, which garnered even more critical praise and was widely viewed as an improvement upon its predecessor in almost every way. But then Dead Space 3 happened, and the franchise was put to cryosleep.

After a decade of slumber, the Dead Space franchise was reawakened last year with the release of the Dead Space remake. But despite fans thinking that this would only be the beginning of a new golden era for the franchise, some recent rumors suggest that isn't going to be the case. Even if that's the case, though, every dark cloud has its silver lining.

BioShock 4, Judas Can't Repeat the History of Dead Space and The Callisto Protocol

Callisto Protocol and Dead Space Remake dropping around the same time ended in disappointment for all and history can't repeat for BioShock and Judas.

Dead Space's New Final Moments Are Bittersweet

The Dead Space Franchise Could Be On Ice Once Again

A few weeks ago, renowned industry insider Jeff Grubb mentioned on his Game Mess Mornings podcast that a Dead Space 2 remake was allegedly in the works at EA Motive, but failed to move forward for a variety of reasons, with one of the biggest apparently being lackluster sales of the first Dead Space remake. In a rare move, EA actually commented on this rumor, stating that there was "no validity" to the story, but Grubb - along with a few other well-known industry insiders - have remained steadfast in their claims.

Obviously, the potential news of the Dead Space franchise being shelved will be an upsetting blow for many fans. After the remake was met with acclaim, there was finally hope that the IP would become a horror mainstay again. But if this is another temporary ending for Dead Space, at least it's a bittersweet one.

Dead Space Is Leaving on a High Note This Time

This won't be the first time that the Dead Space franchise has been put on ice. When Dead Space 3 launched back in 2013, it caused irrevocable damage to the Dead Space brand, somehow managing to undo much of the goodwill and critical perception that the franchise had painstakingly built and maintained up until that point. Though Dead Space 3 technically reviewed decently, it wasn't the game that fans wanted, and the sequel's commercial reception indicated that. As EA is wont to do, the moment Dead Space stopped being successful, it was sent out to pasture.

For years, the Dead Space franchise's legacy was tarnished, boasting two of the best survival horror games of all time, but also one of the biggest franchise disappointments in gaming. This tarnished legacy is what made 2023's Dead Space remake so important. Against all odds, last year's Dead Space remake managed to be the critically-acclaimed revival of the series that fans had waited years for, but now its own apparent commercial shortcomings might have led to a bittersweet ending. On one hand, it's sad to see the Dead Space franchise get shelved again, especially after such an excellent revival. But on the other hand, at least the franchise is going out on a high note this time around, securing the series' legacy as one of the best horror franchises in gaming.