Fans of Dead Space have requested a big change be included for a potential remake of the game's sequel. Although there has been nothing announced regarding the second game getting a sequel, the remake of the original Dead Space has garnered significant praise for its faithfulness to the original while making some additions that help enhance the title's gameplay and story.

Publisher EA might be looking at this success and potentially gauging if there is demand for remaking Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. If this turns out to be the case, the company could look into fan feedback to see what alterations would be received well. Fans have already been speculating on how the follow-ups could be improved, and if a studio like EA Motive can give those titles the same care it gave the original, some of these suggested improvements could be included.

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One concept proposed by a fan named BigFella11445 on Reddit is for players to have a proper fight with a large necromorph named The Tormenter, an early-game foe that poses as one of protagonist Isaac Clarke's first major obstacles in Dead Space 2. When the two finally clash in a head-to-head battle, The Tormenter is little trouble despite all the build-up it received. Should a theoretical Dead Space 2 remake lean into psychological horror, making The Tormenter more of a threat outside scripted sequences could be a great way to have players experience the extreme stress Isaac feels throughout his adventure.

Responses to the post have been in agreement, with many comments stating how the current iteration hardly counts as a boss fight and others believing The Tormenter could make for a persistent enemy who follows Isaac throughout the game. With the extent EA Motive went to add depth to the original Dead Space cast in a way that feels organic, it might be possible to do the same for enemies and how they interact with the player.

The ultimate question to ask regarding remakes of the Dead Space sequels is if they will happen at all. A remake of Dead Space 2 could follow in the path of the first game when it comes to changes, only making a few alterations to the game, but remaking Dead Space 3 calls for more drastic changes to avoid the elements that made the title as controversial as it was. Until plans for the franchise are officially announced, it is fun to think of ways remakes for Dead Space 2 and 3 could improve on their original versions.

Dead Space is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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