In the mid-late 2000s, the zombie genre was one of the most popular in all of gaming. From Resident Evil sequels to new and creative IPs like Dead Rising, the gaming industry saw an onslaught of zombie-based titles, but while some have managed to remain relevant all these years later, most have faded into obscurity. That was certainly the case with Dead Island 2, that is up until a few weeks ago.

Announced all the way back in 2014, Dead Island 2 disappeared for almost a decade, with only a handful of occasional leaks describing the development hell behind the scenes. But just a few weeks ago, Dead Island 2 resurfaced, showing off the game's first look at actual gameplay. Based on the trailer, it does seem as though Dead Island 2 is on the right track, but its competition right now is high, with Dying Light 2 already filling most of the niches left by Dead Island's absence. That being said, there are a few things that Dead Island 2 can do to stand above its competitor.

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Dead Island 2 Needs An Emphasis On Combo Weapons

Dead Rising 4 Trailer Highlights Combo Weapons, Crazy Costumes - Dead Rising 4 fire sword

Back during the initial onrush of zombie games, Dead Rising managed to stick out from the crowd by giving players an unprecedented amount of freedom over their choice of weapons. While regular swords, guns, and melee weapons existed in Dead Rising, the main hook was that players could combine their weapons together to form some truly creative armaments. From lightning guns to laser swords, Dead Rising's combo weapons only got wackier with each title. However, the Dead Rising franchise has been dormant for quite some time, with nothing really filling this void.

Though the original Dead Island didn't really have any combo weapons, the sequel could certainly borrow the feature from Dead Rising. The ability to combine different weapons together would immediately distinguish Dead Island 2 from Dying Light 2, as while the latter has a handful of unique melee weapons, they tend to be quite grounded.

A More Complex Melee Combat System Than Dead Island 1


The original Dead Island had a solid melee combat system, but that was in comparison to other 2011 releases. The first-person melee genre has come quite a way in the last decade, and Dead Island's simple hack and slash system just won't cut it for the sequel. To stand out from the crowd, and Dying Light 2 in particular, Dead Island 2 should introduce a range of new, more complex melee mechanics. A few examples of this could be a parry mechanic and a dodge system, but it should double down and get really creative on top of that.

Ranged Weapons in Dead Island 2

Guns in Dead Island 2 and Dying Light 2

The key component that's already setting Dead Island 2 apart from Dying Light 2 is the game's inclusion of ranged weapons. Though Dying Light 2 has a smattering of bows and handguns, they don't feel great to use, and it's clear that the game encourages melee combat over ranged. It seems as though Dead Island 2 will have plenty of ranged weapons, with a shotgun playing a pivotal role in the recent Gamescom announcement trailer. Dead Island 2 should double down on its ranged weapons, and focus on making each one feel unique and worthwhile to use.

A More Varied Skill Tree for Dead Island 2

Dying light skill tree full

Dying Light 2's skill tree is split into two segments, parkour and combat. Every ability in the game comes under one of these categories, and while some push the bounds of the category's definition, they do tend to follow the same general trend, which can get a little same-y. The first Dead Island had a fairly impressive skill tree, with plenty of branching paths and varied abilities to choose from. The sequel should expand on this even further, and use its class system to bring even more varied skills and abilities to the game.

A Tongue-In-Cheek Tone for Dead Island 2

Image from Dead Island 2 showing a muscular zombie leaping towards the player.

The biggest difference between Dead Island 2 and Dying Light 2 seems to be their tone. Though Dying Light 2 isn't afraid of including some light-hearted Easter eggs, the general tone of the game tends to be fairly serious, with character dialogue, plot points, and general environmental and technical design leaning more towards a grounded, realistic approach. Dead Island 2, on the other hand, seems to be aiming for a more tongue-in-cheek tone, embracing its absurdity, which is a smart way to separate the two franchises.

Dead Island 2 launches on February 3, 2023, for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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