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Dead Island 2's storyline follows a random survivor who discovers they are immune to the Zombie virus plaguing Los Angeles. As players try to escape the city, they meet interesting characters and find all kinds of secrets involving the Zombies and their immunity during missions.

Search for Truth in Dead Island 2 is a late-game mission that sends players through Ocean Avenue against Zombie hordes and a boss fight. However, it can be challenging as a higher-level mission, and players will want to ensure they are prepared to take it on. So, here's a complete walkthrough for the Search for Truth mission in Dead Island 2.

This walkthrough contains significant spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.RELATED: Dead Island 2: Plumbing the Depths Walkthrough

Track Down Tisha

Dead Island 2

After finishing up the previous mission at the Santa Monica Pier and getting the Blood Drive for Dr. Reed, players will return to the Serling Hotel on Ocean Avenue to discuss their next steps. When they arrive, Dr. Reed sends them after his missing daughter Tisha after she left the safe zone without his permission.

Denise, the door guard, gives players a hint that Tisha was last heard talking about visiting the Bean Cup, what was once a cute coffee shop. Players should use the Workbench to repair broken weapons or speak to the Trader to stock up on ammo and supplies before returning to the streets.

After exiting the hotel's front entrance, players will head straight ahead past the broken flower monument and toward the Giallo store and the Long Pork Grill across the street. Further past that is the Bean Cup coffee shop.

Dead Island 2

On the side with the outdoor seating is the actual location players will find Tisha. There are a set of unlocked doors leading into the Thalia building. Tisha is inside an apartment on the second floor labeled 2C, just past a dead Zombie with arrows sticking out of her.

Dead Island 2

Go inside the apartment and enter the back left room to find Tisha. Players will reveal that they distrust Dr. Reed and his relationship with Konradt, and Tisha shares a similar sentiment. So, she sends them to the OSK Store to contact Konradt using the OS system.

Contact Konradt at OSK Store

Dead Island 2

The second objective in Dead Island's Search for Truth is to go to the OSK to talk to Konradt about her intentions. The OSK Store is down the street from the Thalia Building. Players will leave out the same way they came and head down the alleyway in front of the Bean Cup and the apartments. The OSK Store is further ahead in the building, with floor-to-ceiling windows on all the walls.

Players will enter the OSK Store and approach the sKOpe station on the back wall. They will be prompted to speak the secret code they picked up from Tisha to the server. Several Zombies will be near the store, so players will want to take care of them to avoid any sneak attacks. Unfortunately, the server is down, so players must locate and reboot it before using the sKOpe.

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Reboot the sKOpe Server

Dead Island 2

To reboot the sKOpe server in Dead Island 2, players must enter the Staff Area to access the Server Room inside the OSK Store near the front desk. The Server Room is locked with a Keypad, so players must search the front desk for any information on the Key Card.

A staff note on the desk says an employee named Henry will have the Key Card. But, of course, Henry is now a Zombie. Players will find him inside the alleyway outside the back door of the OSK Store. They must kill Henry and retrieve the key from his corpse. Prepare for a fight, as other Zombie variants will be in the area.

Dead Island 2

Return to the OSK Store and enter the Server Room with the Key Card in hand. Players can pick up a new Skill Card and the OSK Customer Service Script and then head to the back of the room to pull a lever to generate electricity for the server. To completely turn it on, they must flip the switch on the server system across from the power generator.

Dead Island 2

Now players can speak the code words to the sKOpe system in the general store area, but when they return, a Zombie horde awaits them. They must first take out all the Zombies. There will be at least one Screamer, which should be the main priority because it draws even more Zombies to them each time it screams.

Dead Island 2

After defeating all the Zombies, players can finally speak the code words into the sKOpe for the next steps in the Search for Truth mission.

Go to Dr. Reed's Lab

Dead Island 2

The sKOpe recording reveals that another immune survivor, Noah, was working with Dr. Reed. Noah was sent to Dr. Reed's lab on Ocean Avenue, where players will go next. They are given a photo of security footage to pinpoint where they might find the lab.

Exit the OSK store to the left and go down the staircases on the right. There will be an ambulance and a cop car directly ahead. Players must take a left, pass the explosive containers, and follow the buildings around. Next, head toward the black truck and yellow trashcan, where the road starts to slope. Players will know they are in the right place when they see a white van, and Tisha contacts them.

Dead Island 2

Tisha will open the door to Bay 7, which releases a group of Hazmat Zombies and a Screamer. First, players must slay all of them before they can explore the lab. Then, when there are no more Zombies, players can enter the service entry and look for the lab entrance.

At the back of the service entry is a door locked with a triple maglock. Players must break all the electricity boxes that connect to the lock. The first power box is near the garage entrance on the wall next to the office. The second is inside the office on the wall next to the door. The final power box is near the small balcony behind two fragile boxes that can be broken down.

Dead Island 2

After all three power sources are broken, players can go through the door and continue to Dr. Reed's lab for the final chapters of Search for Truth in Dead Island 2.

Defeat Specimen Noah

Dead Island 2

Just past the maglock door is a hallway that leads players to a set of gray double doors that lead to Dr. Reed's lab. When players step inside, they will see a glass enclosure with who is presumably Noah dead and strapped to a chair in the middle of the room.

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They will have to explore the lab equipment, including the observation tank, the blood sampler, the sKOpe on the table, and the laptop. Then use the Blood Drive to boot up the system and trigger a cut scene where Noah comes back to life and transforms into a larger, more gruesome Apex Zombie. Players must defeat him and other Hazmat Zombies spawning in the room.

Dead Island 2

Specimen: Noah has two main attack patterns that players must watch out for. In close combat, it has a thrusting jab and a jump move similar to Crushers that knocks players back. In addition, it has a ranged attack where he shoots out piercing barbs when players keep their distance.

Unless they have powerful melee weapons, the best strategy to take on Specimen: Noah is to use a high-powered ranged weapon. Use the many explosives in the room to blast it with fire in tandem to shooting it in critical spots. Whenever it does its jump shockwave attack, it might get its claw stuck in the ground, allowing players to move in fast and land some hits.

Dead Island 2

Whenever Specimen: Noah is almost out of health, Fury mode automatically triggers, and players can use it to finish the job. Tisha will re-enter the room at this point, and the player character attacks her in a zombie-like frenzy. Finally, Tisha knocks them out, and Konradt and her group will be standing above them when they awaken.

Dead Island 2

ÅKonradt then reveals that there is no actual possible cure, and players are part of an elite group of humans called Numens. This unlocks the Numen Skills that work like Slayer skills but are significantly more powerful.

Dead Island 2

When the cutscene ends, players will head back to the Serling Hotel to confront Dr. Reed, only to find out that he and Tisha have abandoned the group and are heading to another lab. Players then plan to reunite with Emma Jaunt and Sam B to go after them and progress into the next chapter in Dead Island 2.

Dead Island 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.