After over 8 years, Dead Island 2 has finally received a new trailer and a release date. The game is looking very promising so far, with a lot of fans already developing hype. With Dead Island 2, there seems to be a reinvention of the Dead Island franchise, complete with new visuals, colors and a lot of zombie-slaying fun to be had.

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When it came to the original Dead Island, there were many things left desired by players. The game did not receive the best reviews from critics and gamers. With Dead Island 2, players expect a far better experience than the first game, and with over 8 years since the announcement of Dead Island 2, there’s a lot of room for a better game.

9 Range Of Missions


In the first Dead Island, most of the missions were quite repetitive. Players would venture into a home, find a character, and give them an infinite supply of collectibles like water or food cans. Alternatively, they will be sent out in the world to find a person or an item, and return them in these “fetch quests”.

The quests in Dead Island could lack any real interest, and it would be great for Dead Island2 to create some interesting and engaging missions, where players can do different activities rather than simply do the same thing over and over.

8 Smarter AI

dead island definitive edition zombie

Games continue to evolve through the years, both graphically, and with artificial intelligence built into the game’s characters and enemies. Since Dead Island is over 11 years old, the AI built into the zombies isn’t perfect, and a game released in 2023 would harbor a far more interesting and challenging experience for fans of the zombie genre.

If Dead Island2 has smarter AI, then that means they don’t just have to watch the undead stumble towards them, and have their pathing blocked by walls and railings. Dead Island2 could see a more challenging set of enemies that know how to hit and bite at the player.

7 Engaging Combat

Image from Dead Island 2 showing a muscular zombie leaping towards the player.

Zombie games have a history of being rather repetitive when it comes to combat. Considering zombies can mainly just try and bite people, there’s not much that can be done to counter that other than swinging weapons like a baseball bat. Yet, the joy comes from how the game developers choose to allow players to swing said baseball bat, and other weapons.

Dead Island had a familiar formula, where players would spam the attack button to swing their weapon left to right until they were out of stamina. Dead Island2 would be wise to make the combat more engaging, with abilities to dodge, counter, and thrust.

6 Goods And Goofs

dead island 2

There’s nothing wrong with a bleak world, inhabited by zombies. The idea of a post-apocalyptic world, overrun by the undead that audiences once knew and loved is a terrifying thought. That does not mean that there can’t be a level of fun to be had in such a disastrous world.

The trailer for Dead Island2 already looks like the game is embracing a fun side. The characters, weapons, and locations seem far more colorful and even goofy than that of the original Dead Island, making it a more interesting and memorable setting.

5 Versatile Builds


In the original Dead Island, players could choose between four distinct characters to be their protagonists. These characters all had their abilities, from a super move to a dedicated style of combat. Players could create their builds, but not to the degree of complexity that is to be expected for most RPGs.

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For players to have more freedom, Dead Island2 should create a great set of skills for players to invest in, so that they can create unique and individual builds for their characters, and explore different skills. The versatility of builds means more freedom of play.

4 Unique Locations

Image from Dead Island 2 showing zombie approaching the player who's holding a wrench.

An interesting setting was explored in Dead Island, with that of an island vacation resort. It was tropical, and a fun setting for a zombie game. However, most locations were restricted to vacation homes, and there wasn’t a lot to explore. Dead Island2 should make use of the current technology, and give players a high level of freedom to explore and adventure.

There are so many areas to explore in the promised locations of L.A., the setting for Dead Island 2. Hopefully, gamers will experience a great rendition of the real-life city, with a few creative liberties that fit within the game’s lore.

3 Movement System

Promo art featuring the main cast fighting zombies from Dead Island

When Dead Island was released, many found the controls to be rather tank-like. From running to jumping. The original developers of Dead Island went on to create a great movement system in Dying Light, in which players could run and leap across rooftops, and climb buildings with ease.

A parkour system would benefit greatly for Dead Island 2, as it would make the game stand out from other zombie games, whilst also keeping the movement fast-paced against the slow and dangerous zombie hordes.

2 Interesting Characters

Dead Island

Every game should feature memorable characters that the player will encounter in the vastness of the world. The first Dead Island did not feature a greatly interesting set of characters, and they lacked difference, immersion, and development. Most just gave generic missions, with no intrigue into their personalities or lives.

For the sequel of Dead Island to be better, it should have a great cast of characters for players to enjoy, These characters should be throughout the game in story content and side missions, leaving a memorable impression on the player through a wackiness or coolness.

1 Good Story

dead island trailer

The story for Dead Island was far from memorable, and that’s okay. The game was mainly focused on being a fun zombie game, and in parts, it did just that. However, many gamers have changed their tastes, and what players desire, has changed since 2011.

To keep the game memorable and replayable, Dead Island2 needs to have a great story that players will want to experience again. Through great dialogue, interesting missions, and an overarching story that players want to complete, Dead Island2 could be a great experience.

Dead Island 2 is set to release on February 3, 2023, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

More: Dying Light 2 Features Dead Island Easter Eggs