Dead Island 2 is a massively anticipated title, with the game finally approaching a concrete release window after years of staggered development and delays. Given this anticipation, as well as the continued success and following of its predecessor, it is clear that the upcoming game has quite high expectations to live up to upon its eventual release.

From what promotional material exists of Dead Island 2, it seems that the title is adopting a similar wacky and over-the-top framework to its gameplay and narratives that was employed to such success within the original Dead Island. With this in mind, the new release would do well to take a lesson from the Saints Row franchise in terms of the weapons and equipment that players may be able to use in-game.

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The Similar Themes of Dead Island and Saints Row

dead island key art

While being two franchises that on the surface are seemingly worlds apart, the Dead Island and Saints Row IPs actually have a lot in common. Both of these franchises can be said to compete near the top of their respective genres, with Saints Row battling the massive GTA franchise within the open-world crime genre, and Dead Island competing against Dying Light within the realm of open-world zombie survival games.

In both Dead Island's and Saints Row's attempts to compete against their biggest rivals, the franchises have often leaned toward more overtly eccentric and comical elements to provide a different overall tone to their franchise installments, while still providing narrative and gameplay frameworks that have genuine substance and gravity to them. With this in mind, it is only right that the upcoming Dead Island 2 will seemingly carry forward this ethos, and there are certain elements of classic Saints Row gameplay that could be adopted by the inbound zombie title.

What Dead Island 2 Could Take From Saints Row

Cover art for Saints Row 4

One of the most memorable game mechanics from the first Dead Island that made the game stand out within the saturated zombie genre was its weapon crafting and modification system. Using in-game workbenches, the player could craft some seriously impressive yet far-fetched melee weapons to decimate hordes of zombies, and this should be applied to an even more comical extent in the upcoming sequel.

While the Saints Row franchise of course has its serious elements, it is known for its exaggerated motifs and bombastic gameplay elements, which have become a staple of the franchise over the years. Although some considered the likes of superpowers in Saints Row 4 as a step too far for the franchise's eccentricity and the suspension of disbelief, the comical weapons that the franchise has long employed would be a perfect fit for the upcoming Dead Island 2.

The likes of Saints Row 2's Pimp Cane would be the type of unique and memorable weapon that Dead Island 2 should implement, with the most multifaceted weapons perhaps requiring exceedingly rare materials to then be crafted in-game. The scope of these funny weapons within Dead Island 2's seemingly satirical Los Angeles setting is practically limitless, and would undoubtedly be a fantastic way to increase engagement with the franchise-defining crafting system while providing comedic relief and memorability.

Like the first game, it can be assumed that the world of Dead Island 2 will additionally be populated by swathes of NPCs and quest givers, and the most elaborate comical weapons could be reserved for quest rewards. With this also opening avenues for things like equipping NPCs with the most eccentric weapons available to the player, it is clear that unique weapons akin to those found within the Saints Row franchise would compliment the gameplay of Dead Island 2.

Dead Island 2 launches April 28 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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