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Dead Island 2 is littered with mission directives amidst quests. Some are fairly simple and self-explanatory (i.e. ‘Kill them all’) while others can be a bit vague. These directives require a bit of brain power and legwork on behalf of the slayer.

In the Red Mist quest, after the slayers have made their way through a treacherous, zombie-infested sewer in order to get to the other side of HELL-A and get one step closer to a much-needed evac, the player enters Venice Beach and finds themselves at the Blue Crab. As with most places in Dead Island 2, the place is about to be overrun with zombies, and it is imperative to close the gate to ensure that the safe haven is blocked off from incoming enemies. However, closing the gate doesn’t exactly point the player directly to where to go.

RELATED: Dead Island 2: Best Locations In Hell-A

How to Close the Gate

Closing the gate is actually fairly simple so long as the player knows where to look. After defeating a small horde of walkers as well as a few crushers, the Blue Crab boys will shout to the slayer to press the button in the parking attendant booth to shut the gate. Of course, pressing the button won’t work because the gate is in need of a new circuit breaker.


Fortunately, the player will not have to travel far to find one. Face the already closed gate to the northwest and climb over it. Walk into the parking lot and turn left to see another parking booth that looks nearly identical to the one in question. Players will find a working circuit breaker on the outside of that parking booth. Grab it and hustle back to the Blue Crab. Toss the battery over the gate and follow it over to the other side.


There is another circuit breaker equally close by that can also be used if the slayer doesn't feel like climbing a gate to go fetch it. Facing southeast, the player can run to the outside right-hand side of Burger '66 and find an equally adequate circuit breaker to be used. Either strategy works fine to acquire the necessary component.

Once the player has the circuit breaker, run back to the Blue Crab gate. Insert the breaker into the control panel next to the gate. Then return to the parking attendant booth and press the button. The gate closes incredibly slowly so be ready for another swath of enemies to cleave through. Now, the player is ready to complete the Red Mist Quest.

Dead Island 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.