A Dead Island 2 developer recently mentioned in an XboxOn Twitch stream the possibility of a new game plus mode coming to the game. XboxOn is a team that streams different Xbox games while interacting with the live chat. They discuss information, showcase the gameplay, and even have guest stars participate in the process and answer questions about games like Dead Island 2.

Dead Island came out in 2011, with Dead Island 2 being released on April 21, 2023, over a decade after the last game came out. The first game was a success, so the creators created a Dead Island 2 teaser trailer during E3 2014, leaving fans waiting nine years for the game to release. Players didn't hear much about the sequel until 2022, with the game facing an extensive and rocky development cycle, though it's now out for people to play.

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As XboxOn showcased the game during the successful launch week of Dead Island 2, the team had GottaBeHenry host the stream while Adam Duckett, the design director for Dead Island 2 from Dambuster Studios, attended as a guest star. The chat was filled with fans commenting on the game and asking the designer and host questions. Some fans asked about potentially adding a new game plus to Dead Island 2, a feature allowing players to carry over their equipment, items, and levels to a new playthrough. As Duckett answered questions about the game and interacted with the chat, another member of Dambuster Studios joined the conversation and left some comments for the fans to read, such as recognizing the question and saying the development team is looking into the feature.

The team member also mentioned that fans should watch their social media feeds for more information. Even though Duckett didn't answer the question, the information left chatters with another detail to consider and a reason to watch the social media feeds. Currently, the social media channels haven't posted any news or updates about new game plus.

Just like with any video game, Dead Island 2 has some bugs and glitches, such as the Dead Island 2 duplication glitch, allowing players to quickly make overpowered characters. As the developers listen to their fans and look into bugs, they could release more features and updates to improve the experience while addressing problems. The company may release other updates in the future and see what players suggest, allowing them to improve their game constantly.

Even though new players don't need to play Dead Island 2 to understand the sequel, people naturally want to see new features and improvements from the previous game. As they explore the world of zombies and experience the game as different characters, they can wait for more updates and information.

Dead Island 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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