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Dead Island 2 is jam-packed with 33 side quests, including 'It Came from Monarch Studios,' where players return to Hell-A's glittering movie sets. Dead Island 2 rewards players for completing side quests or extra missions like Lost and Found, making side quests often a worthwhile and entertaining experience.

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In 'It Came from Monarch Studios,' players search the sets for Sarah Sheppard's missing friend Sebastian in a similar quest to Michael and the Holy Grail. However, this time, players are joined by an unusual beeping object called DD-09 that's attracting too much zombie attention. It's a combat-heavy side quest that also mashes up some fun alien and space movie puns, leading to some decent rewards.

How To Start It Came From Monarch Studios Side Quest

Dead Island 2 radio starting it came from Monarch Studios side quest

The 'It Came from Monarch Studios' side quest appears as soon as players complete 'The Giant Slayer' main story quest at Venice Beach. Inside the Blue Crab, click the radio to hear a woman called Sarah Sheppard calling for help at Monarch Studios alongside some strange beeping sounds. Click the map table to use Dead Island 2's fast travel mechanics and 'Beam down to Monarch studios', ticking off the first quest objective.

It Came From Monarch Studios Side Quest Walkthrough

Dead Island 2 Sarah Sheppard Monarch Studios

Players should complete the following steps organized by mission objective to complete the 'It Came from Monarch Studios' side quest:

Scan The Gas Station Set For Signs Of Life

Dead Island 2 spawn point it came from Monarch Studios side quest 2

On reaching the sets, players spawn by the giant green screen in the Monarch Studios' outdoor movie set. Head through the outdoor Studio doors to find the spider set where players beat Dead Island 2's Alesis Hernandez earlier in the main story. Sarah from the radio is stuck standing on a trailer surrounded by zombies, so it's time to save her.

Hostile Infestation! Kill Em All!

Dead Island 2 inferno crusher it came from Monarch Studios side quest

It's time to kill a horde of zombies, including Incendary Walkers and an Inferno Crusher, one of Dead Island 2's hardest apex zombies. Guns can be a player's best friend here to head-shot as many as possible or shoot nearby explosive canisters, particularly against the Inferno Crusher, to take some big chunks off its health before swiping around it with a powerful melee weapon. Players can also use the environment's set tricks, like rain, to perform electricity attacks.

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Tell Sarah Sheppard That You Come In Peace

Dead Island 2 Sarah Sheppard Monarch Studios

Once all zombies are defeated, look up to talk to Sara Sheppard, who tells players she's looking for her friend Sebastian whose noisy little backpack toy DD-09 that's attracting all the zombies. Grab DD-09 off the floor in front of Sara's trailer and take it on the journey to find Sebastian.

Take DD-09 And Explore Sound Stage 3 For Signs Of Sebastian

Dead Island 2 map it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Take DD-9 inside Studio 3 as marked on the map. DD-09 operates like Dead Island 2's meat bait, attracting and luring zombies. Once inside the room, DD-09's beeping attracts more zombies.

Red Alert! DD-09 Has Spooked The Zombies!

Dead Island 2 dd-09 it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Inside Studio 3, plant DD-09 behind the electric puddles and watch incoming zombies get zapped, killing any stragglers with a melee weapon or Dead Island 2's guns as needed. Defeat all zombies that invade the room to advance to the next objective.

Take DD-09 Along Your Continuing Mission To Find Sebastian

Dead Island 2 map it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Turn right out of Studio 3's exit and turn left down the green-screen path between Studios 4 and 5, putting DD-09 on the ground while defeating any zombies, like Dead Island 2's crushers.

Dead Island 2 dd-09 it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Take a left turn at the fork at the end of the path to continue the search for Sebastian, who shouts to players as they get nearer. Head towards Studio 6 to find Sebastian standing on the roof and talk to him. Sebastian says he can check DD-09 once all the "body snatchers" are dealt with. Drop DD-09 as things are about to get messy.

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Defend Sebastian From The Invading "Body Snatchers"

Dead Island 2 zombies it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Players now face a swarm of the undead, including Screamers, so it's a great time to use Dead Island 2's fury mode to take out as many as possible. Keep all the zombies in front and back up as needed to avoid getting surrounded, remembering to block or dodge in between hits to survive.

Hail Sebastian On All Frequencies

Dead Island 2 dd-09 blue print it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Once players kill all zombies, Sebastian says it's safe to talk. Collect any loot dropped by zombies like Infected Flesh and place DD-09 on the table with the bag-shaped blueprint, initiating a final conversation with Sebastian.

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Rewards For Completing It Came From Monarch Studios Side Quest

Dead Island 2 Sebastian it came from Monarch Studios side quest

Talk to Sebastian to complete the 'It came from Monarch Studios' side quest, rewarding players with 3,000 XP and a rare Cremator Zombie Axe weapon. Players also unlock the Street Brawler skill card, a fury skill card where damaging zombies with melee or weapon attacks builds fury.

Dead Island 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.