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The bright lights and nice sights of Los Angeles have given way to the undead and destruction in Dead Island 2, and Dambuster Studios is not content with doing just that. With the task of survival already a tough one, the developers have deemed fit that the danger levels are increased with the inclusion of Apex zombies.

These are not the run-of-the-mill variety that can be destroyed with just a few blows, and they bring other dangers to the table just with their presence. One of them is called the Slobber, a disgusting mess of a monster that loves to get to know Slayers better. This guide on how to defeat Slobbers in Dead Island 2 is all about taking care of this problem quickly and efficiently.

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What are Slobbers in Dead Island 2

What are Slobbers in Dead Island 2

Disgustingly swollen monstrosities that have no regard for personal space or hygiene, the Slobbers join the Apex ranks as a threat from afar. It is usually filled with caustic bile that they puke all over the Slayer and the surroundings, and can cause some uncomfortable situations that can be hard to get out of. It is never easy to take one down, much less in a group, but there are ways to make the fight much more manageable.

How to Defeat Slobbers in Dead Island 2

Defeat Slobbers in Dead Island 2

With their penchant for ranged combat and keeping players at bay, approaching a Slobber for close-up combat is a necessity for survival. Keep these tips in mind whenever a Slobber is in the way of progression in Dead Island 2:

  • Slobbers are notoriously resistant against Blunt and Projectile damage, and can be immune to whichever other damage it is a variant of. Its weaknesses to Sharp, Shock, and Bleed damage must be exploited by all Slayers to bring it down quickly.
  • Its puke can cause damage over time, so be sure to avoid stepping or staying in them for prolonged periods of time. These attacks also happen to affect other zombies, and can be used as a way to keep them at bay.
  • Getting close to the Slobber will force it to stop puking, and instead engage in clumsy melee combat. Block its attacks and return the favor to bring it down quickly.
Firestorm Slobbers in Dead Island 2

Keep track of the weapons in the arsenal, and make full use of those modded for Sharp or Bleed damage to make short work of any Slobber that is on its own. There are other variants like Firestorm and Putrefied Slobbers out there as well, so adjust the approach accordingly to continue slaying.

Dead Island 2 will launch on April 21 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.