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With the undead overwhelming the living in Dead Island 2, there are few areas that can be considered safe for the human population in Los Angeles. However, as a newly arrived Slayer on the scene, it will be up to the players to carve out a living of their own, not just surviving, but also thriving off the zombies that now roam the streets.

At its core, Dead Island 2 places a heavy emphasis on the art of combat, whether it is up close or from a distance. While swinging and hacking wildly can usually get the job against a sole enemy, when the numbers increase, it is a much better idea to fight effectively so that there is less harm involved and a Slayer can be the last one standing. This guide will provide all the vital steps on how to get Critical Hits as often as possible in Dead Island 2.

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How to Get Critical Hits in Dead Island 2

Essentially, getting Critical Hits in the game is not a matter of luck. It actually has to do with the type of weapon a Slayer is wielding, and as is the series' signature, upgrades and mods also can play a huge part

Melee Weapons Critical Hits Requirements

Melee Weapons Critical Hits Requirements

Head into the inventory and look at the melee weapons that are currently equipped on the Slayer, and they should fall into four profiles: Maiming, Frenzy, Bulldozer, and Headhunter. When fighting with any one of these weapons, here's what is needed to maintain a constant streak of Critical Hits:

  • Maiming - Designed to deal extra damage to the limbs of the undead, all hits on limbs are automatically Critical Hits, with the added bonus of regaining stamina via maiming.
  • Frenzy - Made for fast, relentless attacks, Frenzy weapons automatically dish out Critical Hits after a set number of hits. The increased attack rate also helps in this aspect.
  • Bulldozer - Perfect for crowd control, wielding a Bulldozer weapon means all Heavy Attacks are always Critical Hits that do additional stability damage, which makes fatal Skull Stomps all the more accessible.
  • Headhunter - As the name suggests, all hits to the head of the enemy is a Critical Hit, including damage done by throwing a weapon.

Ranged Weapons Critical Hits Requirements

Ranged Weapons Critical Hits Requirements

Similarly, firearms are also categorized into the profiles of Demolition, Rapid-Fire, Tactical, and Sharpshooter. Ensuring Critical Hits will require the following conditions from any of the six Slayers:

  • Demolition - Made for the numbers, shots at all vulnerable zombies are always Critical Hits.
  • Rapid-Fire - Let loose with these firearms, as the more hits in a row, the higher the accuracy, and after a short time, all hits will automatically be Critical Hits.
  • Tactical - Strategic warfare comes into play, as any defensive action like a Dodge or Block will increase movement and reloading speed, while ensuring all shots deal Critical damage.
  • Sharpshooter - Exploit weak points for Critical Hits, so aim for the heads and limbs to make that happen.

Armed with this knowledge, the streets of Hell-A will pose less of a challenge even with all the Apex variants running around.

Dead Island 2 will launch on April 21 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.