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One of the best parts of Dead Island 2 is discovering new ways to destroy the Zombie variants that have taken over Los Angeles. This gets increasingly challenging as players progress and new Apex Zombies unlock. Each variant has special attack patterns and abilities that make them uniquely deadly.

A particularly tricky Zombie is the late-game variant called Butchers. Butchers are incredibly aggressive and relentless when they choose a target, with their high speeds making confrontation almost unavoidable. So, players can use this guide to help defeat Butchers in Dead Island 2.

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What are Butchers in Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2

Butchers are predator Apex Zombies in Dead Island 2 known for their speed and long, sharpened arm bones that can slice through Slayers with ease. It is near impossible to outrun one, and it attacks in thrusting jabs, so its damage output quickly becomes overwhelming. In addition, if players cease their attacks for even a second, Butchers will run to the nearest dead body and replenish their health bar by eating it.

How to Defeat Butchers in Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2

Butchers are most dangerous in close quarters, so staying out of arms reach is the ideal strategy to withstand violent assaults. Here are some other key tips to help defeat Butchers:

  • Avoid using heavy weapons. Butchers have high agility and can easier dodge slower weapons, so using lightweight swords and knives is the best melee option.
  • Make sure firearms are stocked up on ammo. While keeping a distance is one of the best ways to avoid Butcher's jabs, if players run out of bullets, they run the risk of the Butcher healing itself while they change weapons.
  • Attack while they are replenishing their health. If one does happen to escape, Butchers are distracted and must stay close to the ground when they are feasting on the surrounding corpses, so it is a good time for players to strike.
  • Trap them into a corner. Butchers have more offensive strength than defensively, so they are vulnerable to taking lots of damage from high-level weapons. Just ensure the weapons have high durability to avoid the Butcher getting the upper hand.
Dead Island 2

Like other Zombies in Dead Island 2, Butchers are also vulnerable to status effects. Therefore, players should take advantage of environmental traps like electric cords, explosive barrels, or acid buckets. Alternatively, luring a Butcher to a more secluded area can cut it off from its food supply, making it harder to recover once it starts losing health.

Dead Island 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.