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Dead Island 2's side quests reap almost as many rewards as the main storyline missions. Additionally, side quests become available as players progress and meet other survivors in Zombie-infested LA. One example is Dez and the Mother of Satan, the third and final mission surrounding a group called the Bobcats.

Players are tasked with finding and helping someone named Dez reunite with her group, but they are met with several challenges throughout the quest. However, despite the difficulties, there is a hefty reward and lots of XP for those who complete it. Here's a complete walkthrough to assist Dead Island 2 players with the Dez and the Mother of Satan side quest.

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Look for Dez in the CDC Camp

Dead Island 2

Players must have completed the Boz Makes a Bang side quest at Monarch Studios to unlock Dez and the Mother of Satan. The latter takes them to the Santa Monica Pier to find yet another elusive member of the Bobcats named Dez at the request of Hana.

Dez is found near the center of the CDC camp, standing on top of the central dome's balcony. Whenever players first approach, they must take down all the Zombies hanging out in the area, including hazmat Zombies and a Butcher.

Dead Island 2

After killing all the Zombies, players can talk to Dez, who reveals that she is looking for Zombie parts to create explosives and other specialized weapons. Players will then help her test out some traps she has set around the area by herding Zombies into the designated zones.

Players will kill Zombies until the field test is complete and then talk to Dez again for the next steps in the side quest. Dez is looking for a specific ingredient called Mother of Satan and Infected Zombie parts.

Find the Quartermaster's Records

Dead Island 2

Players are sent after the Quartermaster's Records to determine where Mother of Satan is stored. Across from the main dome is a lab area where players will find the records. Go past the front area down the hall into the second lab. The Quartermaster's Records are on the lab equipment beside body storage.

Dead Island 2

An electric cable will block the way, but players can follow the line and remove the battery from the generator outside to stop the electric current. Once players pick up the records, the quest objective will update to find Dez in the main CDC dome.

Enter the CDC Dome

Dead Island 2

The main fence entry to the CDC Dome is locked, but players can find it by taking a shortcut around the back. First, go through the Green Zone gate near the digging equipment.

Players will know they are close when they see the group of porta-potties. Past the bathrooms is a smaller dome with a large yellow pipe in the entrance and another area blocked by electricity. Again, remove the battery to continue along and avoid taking damage.

Dead Island 2

From there, it's a straight shot through the labs to find the entry to the main dome. Finally, players must use the Keypad to enter the main dome, which triggers a small cut scene, and the game will save.

Inside the dome, players will have to fight more Zombies. Specifically, they must take down a Voltaic Screamer, Subject: Juliet, to finish Dez and the Mother of Satan. As long as Subject: Juliet is alive, Zombies will keep spawning in the area.

Dead Island 2

Voltaic Screamers release a mighty shriek that also carries an eclectic current. Players are best off keeping their distance and using explosive curveballs or firearms to take it down. After killing Subject: Juliet and any leftover Zombies, players can talk to Dez again to finish the mission.

Rewards for finishing Dez and the Mother Satan in Dead Island 2 include 4,500 XP and the Superior Melee Electrocuter Mod. Hana also discloses the code for a lockbox in the Lotusville Mall.

Dead Island 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.