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Dead Island 2 sees players using a variety of weapons and mechanics to deal with the undead hoards. While melee weaponry is great for slashing into the mobs to finish them off there are other tools for players to exploit to get the upper hand in combat.

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An example of this are Curveballs which players can unlock while advancing the main story and exploring in Hell-A. These Curveballs are throwable items such as grenades or shurikens that regenerate after a time of being used, so the player may throw them at foes again. There are plenty of different Curveballs to unlock, but these are by far the best.

8 Meat Bait

Meat Bait Curveball in Dead Island 2

Unlocked early into the game, the Meat Bait Curveball is an item that many players may forget exists compared to many of the other explosive options. Meat Bait may not do any damage, but it's a brilliant way to distract zombies when players aren't looking for a fight or want to line up some lethal attacks.

When playing the likes of the Slayer Bruno, he does more damage when striking from behind and therefore throwing down bait to turn the attention away from him can allow Bruno to reach his potential in combat.

7 Pipe Bomb

Pipe Bomb Curveball in Dead Island 2

Although referred to as a Pipe Bomb, this grenade isn't like the typical lethal pipe bomb many players may be thinking of. Instead, this is a makeshift grenade made from a piece of pipe. While it doesn't do as much damage as the other Curveballs. the Pipe Bomb excels in its high force rating.

This means if the explosion isn't likely to kill the zombie it explodes under, the force damage is likely to knock them off their feet, so the player can easily maim them with a stomp to the head.

6 Electric Star

Electric Star Curveball in Dead Island 2

Even the Curveball tools players are able to purchase around Hell-A can do status effects to the undead, and the Electric Shuriken is one of many options. When hitting a zombie with the Electric Star, this sharp piece of metal will submerge itself into the skin of the target and begin to electrocute them.

Related: Dead Island 2: Best Locations In Hell-A

Other than that, this weapon has a great range but poor damage as it aims to stun rather than kill. This effect is more likely to work on weaker enemies such as Walkers or Shamblers as it stuns them much quicker.

5 Molotov Cocktail

Molotov Cocktail Curveball in Dead Island 2

Similar to the Electric Star, the Molotov Cocktail is another Curveball that does little damage initially, but will burn an opponent to a crisp gradually over time. The Molotov Cocktail is a brilliant Curveball for players to use when being approached by hoards of zombies as the fire is sure to spread across all of them.

Due to it being a glass bottle, the effect of the Molotov Cocktail begins as soon as it impacts a zombie or the floor. This means players don't need to worry about timing their attack. It also allows players to make up a quick strategy with fuel, and ignite it with the Molotov.

4 Chem Bomb

Chem Bomb Curveball in Dead Island 2

Doing the opposite effect of the Molotov Cocktail, the Chem Bomb is another early game Curveball that players are likely to use surprisingly more often than they might anticipate. When thrown at fire it will instantly extinguish the flames. This makes it incredibly useful against flaming runners and walkers that are likely to set a Slayer ablaze if they get too close.

Besides this, hitting an average zombie with the chem bomb will temporarily stun them and allow the player to quickly attack. The Chem Bomb also has its uses outside of combat such as extinguishing the flames on a ground that may be blocking a path for the player.

3 Bait Bomb

Bait Bomb Curveball in Dead Island 2

A much-loved upgrade from the usual Meat Bait, the Bait Bomb does exactly what the normal bait does but with an explosive aftermath. By throwing down the Bait Bomb, this jar of sludge will attract zombies closer before exploding once its timer has ended.

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Although the damage may seem insignificant when compared to some of the other Curveballs on the list, it gives off an immense amount of force that will likely knock down a zombie if it doesn't kill it instantly. This makes the Bait Bomb a convincing choice for players when facing groups of zombies.

2 Sticky Bomb

Sticky Bomb Curveball in Dead Island 2

By far one of the best explosives in the game as well as one of the strongest, the Sticky Bomb has both the damage and the force to be one of the most lethal Curveballs in Dead Island 2. The Sticky Bomb can be thrown directly at a zombie, to which it will attach, making it impossible for them to avoid the damage that ensues.

The only downside to the Sticky Bomb is its small explosion radius. This is because it's quite controlled due to sticking to targets. However, it is still useful against a group of zombies if they are close enough together.

1 Shuriken

Shuriken Curveball in Dead Island 2

One of the best Curveballs available in the game is actually the first one a player will unlock while on their adventure in Hell-A. The Shuriken throws three ninja stars at zombies that are likely to tear off the limbs of multiple foes if positioned correctly.

Although the damage from the Shuriken may seem weak, players shouldn't be throwing the Shuriken with the expectation of killing a target instantly. The weapon should be used to target certain spots of the zombie to make the battle easier for the player.

More: Dead Island 2: All Curveball Locations