In the forsaken world of Dead Island 2, the humans certainly have a hard time trying to get back with the walking dead roaming about. At some point, there will come a need to fight back, and melee weapons have already proven to be an invaluable tool to even the odds somewhat. However, firearms and ranged weapons are excellent options as well, even if they are harder to obtain and maintain.

For those that manage to get their hands on the pistols, shotguns, and other powerful firearms, they are also more than just death-dealing tools. Look deeper, and any Slayer worth their salt can see that they all bring different benefits to the table, and if there is an eagerness to up the zombie killing efficiency, then this guide on all the ranged weapon profiles in Dead Island 2 will come in handy.

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All Ranged Weapon Profiles in Dead Island 2

With ammo being scarce, these weapons should be used sparingly, but in the right circumstances, they will shine brightly in the fight against the zombies.

Demolition Weapons

Dead Island 2 Demolition Weapons

Made to blast through the moaning masses and bring even the hardiest of zombies to their knees, Demolition weapons are forceful, high-impact tools of destruction. Reduce an enemy's stability to zero and watch as these guns get Critical Hits every single time. Reloading also grants added toughness, allowing Slayers to survive longer.

Rapid-Fire Weapons

Dead Island 2 Rapid-Fire Weapons

Putting quantity over quality, Rapid-Fire weapons are all about letting loose a barrage of fast, concentrated fire at anything within range. As players get more hits in a row, the accuracy of the guns will increase, and for a short time, all hits will deal increased damage, perfect for those choke point showdowns.

Tactical Weapons

Dead Island 2 Tactical Weapons

Slayers hoping to live out their secret agent dreams in Dead Island 2, the Tactical firearms are the way to go. Easy to use and quick to handle, it is all about clearing out small groups of zombies with tact and swiftness. With a bonus to movement speed and reloading after performing a defensive action, it also grants Critical Hits after, making sure that no zombie shall stand after attempting to take a bite. Such useful tools should always be kept in good, working shape.

Sharpshooter Weapons

Dead Island 2 Sharpshooter Weapons

Last but least, Sharpshooter weapons are made for crack shots, able to deal significant damage to weak points at a longer range than more. Its slower firing rate may not mean much when no zombies can even get close, and as long as there is a good vantage point, aiming down the sights to deal increased damage is always going to be an entertaining affair.

Similarly to melee weapons, having a few dependable ranged options will always be a good idea in Dead Island 2. After all, when the zombie hordes descend, they should have no idea what's waiting for them at the end of the barrel.

Dead Island 2 will launch on April 21 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.