Yoichi Asakawa entered Dead by Daylight's fog with Sadako Yamamura, also known as The Onyro, in Chapter 23. The chapter, called Sadako Rising, is in partnership with the Ringu film. Yoichi, an original character, is a marine biologist and a psychic. With his knack for the unknown and knowledge of the sciences, Yoichi understands how to be resourceful and escape sticky situations, and his three personal perks reflect this aspect of his personality.

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One of Yoichi's perks allows him to evade the killer, while others permit him to quickly heal other survivors and boost the team with a boon. Boon perks are especially powerful since they can stack with other boons, and they benefit every survivor on the team within range. Knowing about Yoichi Asakawa's perks, including his powerful boon, can help Dead by Daylight players determine the best playstyle for playing him, earn the "Adept Yoichi" achievement or decide whether to teach his perks to other survivors.

Yoichi Asakawa was included in Dead by Daylight 's PTB 5.6.0 patch, which is available to download and play on Steam. Yoichi Asakawa will be officially released on March 8, 2022, as part of the Chapter XXIII: Sadako Rising DLC.

Parental Guidance

Dead by Daylight Pallet stun
  • You have inherited the ability to hear the dead — and now, the dead warn you of danger.
  • After stunning the Killer by any means, your scratch marks, pools of blood and grunts of pain are hidden for 10 seconds.

Parental Guidance is a great perk for escaping chases, allowing survivors to evade a first hit or avoid going down. While looping the killers and wasting their time is a valuable skill, it's critical for survivors to be able to dodge their assailants and end the chase when they need to, and Parental Guidance allows players to do just that. Depending on the strength of particular killer's power, even if they manage to find the survivor after Parental Guidance activates, the latter should likely be long gone and ready to loop them successfully again thanks to the stun penalty.

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Yoichi's Parental Guidance perk is similar to Yui Kimura's perk, Lucky Break, which suppresses bleeding and scratch marks for a while after the player is injured. Unlike Lucky Break, though, which has a finite amount of time it can be used in each trial, Parental Guidance can activate any number of times. As such, many players find that Parental Guidance is an improvement upon Lucky Break, and may be a better fit in many builds – even topping some players' charts as one of the best perks in the game.

Empathic Connection

Dead by Daylight survivors healing image
  • Your presence psychically projects itself to those in danger.
  • Whenever another Survivor is injured, they can see your aura within a range of 96 meters.
  • You heal other Survivors 10% faster.

As its name implies, Empathic Connection is an information perk that focuses on altruism and encourages teamwork among survivors. Because other survivors can see the player's aura when they are injured, they can more easily determine the best course of action throughout the trial. For example, if other survivors can see that the player running Empathic Connection is in chase with the killer, they will know to avoid the player and instead work on generators or other objectives. If the player with Empathic Connection is working on an objective, players know they can seek them out to get a quick heal with the 10% healing speed boost.

Empathic Connection could be a great substitute for other seemingly essential perks like Empathy, since it has a wide range, benefits the whole team through its information aspect, and offers the added bonus of faster healing.

Boon: Dark Theory

  • Your obsessive study of the paranormal has given you unprecedented knowledge of other realms and planes of existence.
  • Press and hold the Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 24-meter range.
  • Any Survivors within the Boon Totem’s range gain a 2% Haste status effect. This effect lingers for 4 seconds after leaving the Boon Totem’s range.
  • You can only bless one Totem at a time. All equipped boon perks are active on your Boon Totem.

Boons are some of the most powerful survivor perks in Dead by Daylight, and Boon: Dark Theory is no exception. A 2% Haste boost might sound minor, but that 2% boost often makes the difference between being hit and reaching a vault location or pallet.

When combined with other strong survivor boons, like Boon: Shadow Step from the Hour of the Witch DLC, Boon: Dark Theory could make chases baffling for the killer. Using all four boons together completely changes the nature of the game, quickening survivors' running speeds and quickly allowing them to heal and pick themselves up. Running an all-boon build might be risky, since players would likely need to sacrifice a slot used for an exhaustion perk, but it could pay off on certain survivor-sided maps with favorable totem spawns.

Dead by Daylight is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mobile, and Google Stadia.

MORE: Dead by Daylight: How To Play The Onryo