What’s worse than fighting an impossible battle against a Killer in Dead By Daylight? Fighting two Killers in the body of one. Courtesy of the “Chapter 18: A Binding of Kin” DLC, The Twins grace the Dead By Daylight meta with a build that enables players to hunt with the full force of two cold-blooded Killers, something to ruin any Survivor’s day.

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Unlike Killers such as The Legion, The Twins actually enable players to switch back and forth between Victor and Charlotte Deshayes in order to stalk prey. At first glance, this primary mechanic can get very overwhelming given the game’s fast-paced gameplay. However, a few tips can help The Twins become top-tier Killers that can eliminate Survivors easily.

10 Learn The Story For Effective Roleplay

Charlotte chasing after Victor

Players with a knack for roleplaying may be able to appreciate the Twins more by learning their backstory. Being conjoined twins in the 17th Century, people could only consider their birth as miraculous. Unfortunately, Victor Deshayes being affixed to the chest of his twin Charlotte led them to a life of discrimination, with their family being hunted down.

At five, an attack in their hideout resulted in their mother’s death. Since then, Victor had been extremely protective of Charlotte, and Charlotte grew hateful and bitter to everyone else but him. When Victor died years later, Charlotte became the protector of his decaying body. However, a chase led her to the Fog, where somehow Victor once again sprang to life and out of her body. Since then, Charlotte would attack anyone that dare approach her brother.

9 Understand The Base Mechanics

Charlotte and Victor

Unlike other Killers, the Twins, as the name implies, work as a pair. They’re capable of dividing to participate in the hunt via Blood Bond (Power), making things potentially twice as hard for players to deal with.

They also possess personal Perks that let them monitor Survivors and interrupt their progress. These include Coup de Grace, Oppression, and Hoarder. Given their nature as a pair instead of a single Killer, the Twins can be overwhelming at first. However, knowing on the get-go that they work as a pack instead of a single entity can greatly work with players that love multitasking.

8 Perks Designed For Hardship

The Twins and their Perks and Attacks

As with other Killers, the Twins have their Perks designed specifically to fit their tragic backstory. In this situation, their Perks fulfill their characteristic of being hyper-vigilant to their surroundings - allowing them to identify where things are happening, and with things just happening long enough to have them find their prey. Here are the landmark traits of their Perks:

  • Hoarder: This triggers a loud noise whenever Survivors perform certain actions within 32 to 64 meters from them. These actions include picking up items and unlocking chests. The tricky part here is that this Perk spawns two more chests in the Trial, as though designed to tempt Survivors.
  • Oppression: When the Twins damage a Generator, up to three other Generators can experience regression. This Perk even allows the Twins to assign a Generator to force a difficult Skill Check for its repair to be successful.
  • Coup de Grace: The Twins get a Token whenever a Generator is completed. Depending on the level, consuming a Token can increase the distance of their Lunge Attack by as much as 40 to 60 percent.

7 Blood Bond: Unleash The Twins

Victor glaring at a Survivor

The Twins excel in the hunt particularly because of their Power, called Blood Bond. When using Charlotte, players can press the Power button to unleash Victor and control him instead. Players can switch between characters by pressing the Ability button. Multiple things happen when players enter the Blood Bond state, all of which can affect their ability to play the game.

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  • Dormant State: Charlotte falls into a Dormant State when controlling Victor. When this happens, Charlotte retains the collision and can block Survivors in their path. Likewise, being inactive, Charlotte hides her Red Stain and Terror Radius.
  • Victor’s State: When controlling Victor, he can search for Survivors much faster and hunt them down. While he can’t see Scratch Marks, he does see Pools of Blood in brighter red and even search for Survivors inside lockers. When he does this, Victor reverts to Charlotte and traps the Survivor inside the locker for 10 seconds.
  • Killer Instinct: When players control Charlotte with Victor idle, his presence triggers Killer Instinct on any walking or running Survivor within his Shriek range. This also highlights them for Charlotte.

6 Pounce: Fear Of Separation

Victor going for the kill

Seemingly appropriate with the relationship of the Twins is their Special Attack, called Pounce. When players control Victor, holding the Ability button charges a Pounce and unleashes it with the Attack button. This triggers multiple effects when prompted:

  • The attack will damage Survivors and push them towards the next health State. However, Survivors at the Injured State get into the Dying State when attacked with Pounce.
  • Victims will receive the Latched-On status from Victor, where the twin attaches itself to the Survivor. If this happens, control over the Twin reverts back to Charlotte. Theoretically, this allows Charlotte to swoop in for the kill.
  • Survivors with the Latched-On State receive status conditions such as Broken, Incapacitated, and Oblivious. They can’t enter Lockers or Exit Gates either. Since Victor is latched onto them, getting near Survivors will trigger Killer Instinct as well.

5 Always Check On Victor

Victor pouncing on a Survivor

Despite Victor’s strength as Charlotte’s more aggressive other half of the Killer duo, he tends to be the more fragile and weaker of the two. When separated, Victor will automatically dissolve and go back to Charlotte after 90 seconds of use. Charlotte can recall Victor voluntarily 30 seconds after has been deployed. However, other moments of vulnerability exist for Victor, such as the following:

  • Victor being idle in any position leaves him vulnerable. Survivors can Crush him, dissolving an idle Victor and regrowing on Charlotte over the course of six seconds.
  • When Pouncing, Victor dissolves and regrows on Charlotte if he hits an obstacle that is taller than him. Likewise, Victor becomes vulnerable if his Pounce doesn’t lead to any latching.
  • When Latched-On, the affected Survivor can crush Victor after completing the Remove action for eight seconds.

4 Victor Is the Core, Charlotte Is The Ace

Victor latched to a Survivor

Despite Charlotte’s position as the dominant twin, Victor is most certainly the deadlier of the two. More effective Twins players would want to focus on utilizing Victor as their core component, with Charlotte becoming the one that deals the killing blow.

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To do this Killer strategy effectively, players should first hide Charlotte in good spots such as near a group of Generators but outside line of sight. That way, players can safely release Victor and use him to lure unsuspecting Survivors to the hidden Charlotte. This strategy is crucial considering that Pounce will always have Victor pass control back to Charlotte anyway.

3 Send Victor On Hook Patrol

The Twins guarding a hooked Survivor

Thanks to Victor’s solid speed, he’s perfect for killing off persistent Survivors via the Hook. To do this, players can start with the usual patrolling Charlotte routine as soon as they have a Survivor hooked. However this time, Killers should make sure their Charlotte doesn’t have her terror radius within the range of the Hooked Survivor.

With this in mind, players can patrol the area via Charlotte with ease and switch to Victor as soon as Killer Instinct triggers. Doing this strategy won’t let players activate Borrowed Time, and the Twins can use Victor to Pounce at the unsuspecting target.

2 Two Is Better Than One

The Twins in close up in Dead By Daylight

While the ideal strategy is to go for the kill when facing an injured Survivor, some Survivors are skilled enough to outpace Victor even when injured. To circumvent this, players should always consider using both Twins to secure the kill.

To do this, players can chase a target with Charlotte and release Victor as soon as they’re close enough. While Charlotte is on pause, Victor can Pounce on the target and latch onto them. This should give Charlotte around a good 30 seconds to kill off their target by surprising them in blind spots and corners during the chase.

1 Secure The Exits

Exit Gate in Dead By Daylight

Even in a losing battle, where all Generators have been fixed with all Survivors alive, the Twins still have a chance of winning in the game. This lies in the fact that a Survivor with Victor latched onto them can’t leave the Exit Gate. To take advantage of this, players should keep the Twins together and patrol an Exit Gate for use. When done, players can have Victor latch onto a Survivor to disrupt the team’s focus.

By the time Victor latches onto a Survivor, Charlotte should chase the Survivor until the end of the match. If they manage to Hook them, players should get Charlotte close to the Hooked Survivor and have Victor roam around. Again, if Victor finds an unfortunate Survivor, he can Latch onto them and have Charlotte down them for the Hook. Even if another Survivor manages to rescue the first Hooked Survivor, the Twins have another Survivor ready to be hooked anyway.

Dead By Daylight was released in June 2016 and is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and Stadia.

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