
  • Dead by Daylight's online community is loyal and dedicated, with continuous updates and events from the developer.
  • Survivors in Dead by Daylight should prioritize teamwork by unhooking teammates, distracting the killer, and healing injured survivors.
  • Hiding and letting others do the work is frowned upon in the game, as teamwork is crucial for success.

Where there's a successful multiplayer video game, there's almost always a community of loyal, die-hard followers backing it every step of the way. Dead by Daylight's online community certainly has its gripes with balancing and bugs, but it's stuck around for seven years now, and it probably won't be going anywhere anytime soon. With plenty of updates, patches, and events, it's clear that Behaviour Interactive does really care about Dead by Daylight's player-base, and the community responds by putting even more hours into the game.

But where there's an online community, there also tends to be a set of unwritten rules that govern how everyone should behave while in-game. These rules aren't really enforced by anyone, but if members of the community see players going against them, it'll almost definitely catch the offender some heat. With one of the most loyal fan-bases around, Dead by Daylight has plenty of its own unwritten rules, many of which revolve around the game's team of Survivors.

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Dead by Daylight's Survivors Should Always Be Team Players

Dead by Daylight Haddie Doing Totem-2

Dead by Daylight is first and foremost a team-based game. The core premise of Dead by Daylight sees four Survivors go up against one Killer, and every inch of the gameplay expects those Survivors to work together and communicate as a team. Probably the most important unwritten rule of Dead by Daylight is that Survivors should always be team players. This covers quite a vast range of scenarios.

Survivors should always try to unhook their teammates, even if it means taking a hit themselves. Similarly, if a fellow Survivor is being tunneled by the Killer -- meaning that the Killer is focusing on the same player throughout the whole match -- then a teammate should try to take the Killer's aggro away from them for a bit. Survivors should also always heal their teammates, and if an injured Survivor is crouching repeatedly in front of them, it's just polite to drop everything and heal them up. This also means that no one should get left behind. Of course, there are times when Survivors should make an escape when it would otherwise result in the entire team's loss, but if there are healthy players left at the end of a match, they should be trying to make sure that everyone gets to leave the exit gates.

Dead by Daylight's Survivors Should Loop Killers For As Long As Possible

Dead by Daylight looping

In Dead by Daylight, it's inevitable that the Killer will eventually find a group of Survivors, and when that happens there's an unwritten rule that the one who ends up being chased tries to distract the DbD Killer for as long as possible so that the rest of the team can continue repairing generators unharmed. This rule is a little more flexible, as some players just aren't great at looping Killers around the environment, or Survivors could be up against a really skilled Killer, but if a player can distract the Killer then they probably should.

Dead by Daylight's Survivors Shouldn't Hide and Let Others do the Work

Dead By Daylight Alien Queen

One of the biggest taboos in Dead by Daylight is when a Survivor decides to spend the duration of the match just hiding at the back of the map or in a locker, waiting for the rest of the team to do the generators. This gets especially prevalent towards the end of a match, as the more Survivors die, the more likely it is that the last remaining players will choose to just hide and wait for the hatch to open. Teamwork is integral to Dead by Daylight's gameplay, and if even one Survivor isn't pulling their weight, then the entire team is at a big disadvantage.

Dead by Daylight is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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