Unlike other Survivors in Dead By Daylight, Jonah Vasquez carries a wealth of knowledge with him to the Entity’s Realm. Armed with logic, mathematical prowess, and his experience as a gifted CIA codebreaker, Jonah seeks to unravel the true mysteries behind the Fog and the Killers that lie in it. Featured in Dead By Daylight Chapter 22: Portrait of a Murder, Jonah seems to have a connection to the Artist, the Killer dedicated to transform death into art.

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Turning all numbers into measurable odds, Jonah uses mathematics to even the score. His Perks allow him to conserve energy, correct others’ mistakes, and even give his team a last shot at victory. Thankfully for players, Jonah’s abilities to give them a few more seconds in the game can make the difference in any match. How can players take advantage of his skills?

7 Control The Numbers, Control The Odds

Jonah and his Perks

Being a master of analysis and calculations, Jonah brings pure logic into the table, using mathematical precision to outwit Killers in the Entity’s Dimension. This is reflected in his Perks, all designed to turn the tide of battle to the Survivors’ favor through the help of sheer analysis. As Jonah, players need to take careful note of how to use these Perks properly.

  • Overcome: In the lore, Jonah can calculate how much energy he can expend to do things in a hurry. Game-wise, Jonah gets a 2-second extension of Movement Speed burst during injuries.
  • Corrective Action: Jonah can analyze the works of others and correct their mistakes on the fly. In terms of gameplay, this means Jonah starts the game with a particular Token, of which he gains more whenever he completes a Great Skill Check. When another Survivor cooperating with Jonah fails a Skill Check on a Generator, this Perk consumes a Token to transform the failure into a success.
  • Boon: Exponential: According to lore, Jonah can find ways to miraculously even the odds even if the cards are stacked against them. In the game, this means that Jonah can bless a Dull Totem or a Hex Totem and transform it into a Boon Totem. This Totem adds boosts to Recovery Speed, and also lets Jonah recover from the Dying State via Self-Recovery.

6 Perks Work Best With Team Play

Jonah evading a Killer

Unlike other Survivors, Jonah’s Perks are specifically built to encourage better cooperation amongst teams. For instance, Corrective Action enables Jonah to continuously assist allies by giving them Skill Check corrections. Meanwhile, Boon: Exponential gives allies a second chance at life thanks to its quick healing capabilities.

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As such, it helps for Jonah to be with a team that’s constantly communicating and assisting each other. A team on comms could make great use of Jonah’s cooperative capabilities, especially when it comes to Generator clearing. Players need to be wary though, as this makes Jonah’s position much clearer to Killers with access to a much wider arsenal.

5 Overcome Only Useful Outside Pressure

Jonah running away from the Killer

Thanks to Overcome, Jonah can constantly provide Skill Check protection to teammates. This could prove useful in crucial moments where Generator completion is just a few successes away. Unlike other Survivors, Jonah’s Overcome Perk can provide this crucial method of meeting objectives on part of the team.

However, players need to remember that Overcome is only as useful as the person handling Jonah. It’s highly recommended that players train in achieving Great Skill Checks in order to maximize the Overcome Perk. Otherwise, it won’t be as useful in the endgame — especially if a Killer can outpace Survivors when it comes to destroying Generators.

4 Take Advantage Of The Chase


With Overcome, Jonah gets an extension to the speed boost obtained during injuries. This is crucial when it comes to survival, as ordinary Survivors won’t usually make it after the second hit. With Overcome, Jonah has a larger chance of outpacing Killers.

As such, Jonah can capitalize on Overcome when it comes to luring Killers away from the pack. With this, Jonah can lure Killers into a chase while everyone else tries to repair Generators off the vicinity. Alternatively, Jonah can become a support revive when it comes to unhooking allies, while Killers are out chasing the rest.

3 Careful With The Speed Boost

Jonah being chased by a Killer

While Overcome definitely gives Jonah a speed boost against Killers, newcomers tend to misuse this mechanic. At its core, Overcome is one of the best dash moves in the game, especially in that it’s activated as a reaction instead of a constant action that needs careful planning. This means that for as long as it’s available, Overcome will always get activated given the chance — which is useful against extremely dangerous Killers.

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However, players need to be wary of how they run given that mechanic. For instance, in this 2-second window, Jonah should avoid unnecessary movements such as vaulting, throwing pellets, or running in odd directions.

2 Boon Is An Anti-Slug Wonder

Jonah blessing a totem

Both the Dull Totem and the Hex Totem remain banes of Survivors, thanks to their effects. Dull Totems are all open to transformation based on Boons both sides have. Killers who love the Hex Totem can ensure that a particular Hex Perk is continuously activated in a Dull Totem unless they’re blessed. Deadly Hexes include Crowd Control, which halts Window rush vaults, or No One Escapes Death, which enhances the Killer’s speed during endgame moments.

Jonah’s Boon: Exponential balances this out. Thanks to this Perk’s speed recovery status, Jonah essentially has an anti-slug Totem. He can use it to ensure Killers don’t unnecessarily slow down Survivors during their escape.

1 Boon Can Be Useless Against Other Killers

Jonah using a flashlight

Despite how efficient the Boon: Exponential Perk can be, it’s not guaranteed to take effect most of the time. This is especially true if the Killer chooses not to use their third Perk Slot to fit a Hex anyway. What’s dangerous here is that Killers will likely grow more vigilant against Boons, especially when more Survivors start dishing out theirs.

Not to mention, Boon: Exponential only shines once activated against anti-slugging Hexes. Considering that this Perk only works almost half the time, Survivors are heavily encouraged to be wary of when they use this Boon in their Perk loadout.

Dead By Daylight was released in June 2016 and is currently playable in the PC, PS4, PS5, , Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, iOS, and Android.

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