Dead by Daylight's current Xbox Game Pass Quest gives survivor players the objective to "Make it out alive 6 times." While surviving can prove to be difficult while going up against an unpredictable array of killers, following some basic guidelines can help improve players' chances of escape.

The basic process of escaping the trial grounds is to completely repair five of the seven generators semi-randomly located throughout the map. After the repairs are complete, the exit doors can be opened to reveal the exits to the trial. Completing matches post-escape or post-death will award players Bloodpoints, allowing them to level up and gain new perks and items that may come to assist in future trials.

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While in the trials, the most important thing to do is to make progress. Getting generators repaired brings everyone on the survivor side closer to being able to escape. The killer's role is to interrupt that progress and slow it down until all of the survivors are gone, so the more players that are working on generators, the more progress can be gained per second. This, of course, means that it's very important for players to keep themselves and their teammates alive during the trial.

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Juking the Killer

When the killer in Dead by Daylight chases a survivor, it's never a good idea for the survivor to just simply run away. It's important for players to utilize their surroundings to either lose the killer or keep the chase going long enough that other survivors get a good amount of repair progress on the generators undisturbed. Jumping through windows and ledges, as well as hitting the killer with pallets, slows the chase down for the killer and allows the survivor to gain a good amount of distance. However, boards are limited throughout the map, so players should only use them when they have to.


While running across the map can help players get where they want fast, it isn't advisable, as killers can see red scratch marks left behind by running players to track them during a chase and while searching for survivors. Running while vaulting through a window or ledge will also give the killer a visual marker where it happened.

Watch the Killer

Whether in a chase or not, it's important for survivors in Dead by Daylight to have a visual on the killer. During a chase, killers might go around ledges and pallets to catch survivors off guard instead of directly following the survivor's path. Turning the camera over the survivor's shoulder can give players a better view of where the killer will be heading. This also goes for outside of chases, as knowing where the killer is going shows the safest generator to work on.

By staying aware of their own actions, as well as the actions of the killer, getting the generators complete and opening the gates can become easier and help make getting the current Xbox Game Pass Quest a snap.

Dead By Daylight is available now for Android, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.