When it comes to Dead by Daylight, there are many tools and a lot of information that players need to know before diving in. They must familiarize themselves with basic objectives and controls, and learn what each individual's perks and powers do. It can be a bit of an overload for those who are just coming to this game that has been around for almost a decade. While there is a basic tutorial, it won't help hopeful Killer mains beyond the basics.

The roster now boasts over 30 Killers. Each has their own unique set of teachable perks and Killer powers that will help them dominate the fog. Learning all the Killers is a tall order. As such, most Killer players will have one or a few 'mains' they play, in order to save precious time learning the play style of all. These handy tips can help players to do the same.

Dead By Daylight: Every Killer, Ranked

Dead By Daylight allows players to play as their favorite killers from horror movies, along with some fresh faces. However, not all killers are equal.

7 Play Through the Tutorial

Learning the Basics is the First Fundamental Step

Dead by Daylight Tutorial screen

A handy tutorial is included in the game, and should be players' first port of call. It introduces players to the world of Dead by Daylight, with one tutorial for Survivor, and another for Killer. In the tutorial, gamers play as predetermined characters with very limited gameplay. This won't make anyone a master, but knowing the basics is a must before anything else.

Players will be forced through the tutorial as Trapper, one of the Killers that comes with the base game. Though not all players will graduate to main him, it is still useful for learning to loop, damage generators, and hook Survivors. Once players internalize these basics, it's just a matter of learning how use them against real players.

6 Read Through Each Killer

Study Up to Learn What Each Killer Can Do

Dead by Daylight Huntress Killer power

In Dead By Daylight, Survivors are interchangeable, as perks are teachable and none of them have unique abilities. Killers, on the other hand, are all different. Each one has a unique power on top of their unique perks, all of which require different play styles, as well as various add-ons that can alter or strengthen their powers.

For example, Michael Myers requires a touch of stealth so that he can stalk players to gain more Evil Within. This grants him greater power, such as the ability to instantly down a Survivor. Huntress, meanwhile, can throw hatchets, requiring players to have eagle eyes and good aim. By reading up on each Killer either in-game or via the wiki, players have a good idea of what each Killer is capable and of. This way, they can decide for themselves what Killer suits them the best.

5 Practice Against Bots or Friends

Custom Games Allow Players to Hunt Bots or Fill the Lobby with Friends

Dead by Daylight bot match lobby Spirit and 4 bots queuing

Multiplayer is a large part of this game. It pits four Survivors against one Killer, with very little room for single-player gameplay. Sometimes, Survivors will play in what is known as an SWF, or Survive with Friends. Thanks to custom games, a fifth player can join in on the fun if they assume the role of Killer. However, this is only available to do in custom matches, which won't count towards challenge progression or grant players in-game currency.

Multiplayer Games That Are Fun With Bots

For those that don't want to always go up against other players, these are some great games that have bots to play against.

But if friends aren't interested or players feel too self-conscious, they can instead fill the lobby with bots. Players can customize what Survivor these bots are, as well as their load-out. This is a great way to practice as Killers that interest them, and works for both new and veteran Killers looking for a new character to main. There's no risk of losing rank, or suffering the humiliation of a crushing defeat.

4 Practice Makes Perfect

Players Will Only Improve as they Play

Dead by Daylight the hag, swamp map

Eventually, players will need to graduate from the tutorial and bot matches to real, live play on the servers against other players. While this is daunting, it is also an essential step for maining their Killer. This is the best way to get to grips with how they play, and how to effectively use their powers against Survivors.

The more players play through trials with their chosen Killer, the better they will get. Custom matches are a great place to start, but real matches are where the tests and training truly begin.

3 Don't Be Afraid to Experiment

Find What Load-Out Works

Dead by Daylight inventory screenshot 4 Killer perks lined up

Once players have found the right main for them, that is only the start of the battle. There is a lot more to consider than the Killer's power and their overall design. Players will need to fill in the four perk slots, and choose two of the various add-ons available to augment their power.

Dead By Daylight: The Best Killer Perks, Ranked

Dead by Daylight is a 4v1 multiplayer horror experience where killers kill and survivors survive. Here are the best killer perks in the game.

It might be tempting to just choose the three Killer perks and a basic aura reading one and the most rare add-ons they have in their inventory and call it a day. However, this is not the optimum way to main a Killer. Instead, players should experiment with their load-out. Rather than focusing on what looks good based on the description, they should instead try mixing-and-matching things in their load-out to find what suits them most.

2 Learn the Maps

Once They Have Maps Memorized, Players Can Navigate Better

Dead by Daylight Decimated Borgo map, a ruined castle looming in the dark background

There are many maps in the game, coming from various DLC to places in original BHVR locations. Some are from famous IPs, such as the Raccoon City Police Department or Haddonfield. These maps are where the game trials will take place, and learning their layouts can be an obvious advantage.

Each map has various vault and loop locations, and Survivors make good use of these to try and outlast the Killer hot on their tail. Learning these locations on each map will aid Killers in cutting Survivors off from these locations if they are out in the open. Alternatively, they can mind-game Survivors to run right into them if they know the loop well.

1 Play the Other Side

Practicing the Other Side Shines Light on Survivor Tactics

Dead by Daylight Sable lobby

To play skillfully as a Killer, it is good to know how Survivors might play around them. A great way to do this is by playing a Survivor, which will also be a useful trick for learning to play Killer in general.

Though it's not guaranteed they will be pitted against the Killer they wish to main, players can choose custom matches and volunteer a friend to play their Killer to see things from the other side of the trial.