Behaviour Interactive's 4v1 horror game Dead by Daylight has welcomed many iconic Killers into its ranks over the past five years, including fan favourites like Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger and Pyramid Head. The Cenobite, also known as Pinhead from Hellraiser, recently joined their ranks as the newest Killer in Dead by Daylight.

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Bringing three new perks, a complicated but intriguing new ability, and two unique cosmetics with him, playing The Cenobite takes practice and skill to master. Having some knowlege of his abilities and how to best use them will put players in the best position to kill all four Survivors and rack up some Bloodpoints in their next trial.

10 Use Chains To Scout For Survivors

Dead by Daylight Pinhead using Possessed Chain to attack Survivor

The Cenobite's ability, Summons of Pain, creates a gateway that spawns chains that slow Survivors down. While the chains are great for preventing survivors from looping, Summons of Pain has another use. This ability also allows Pinhead to scout the map for Survivors.

It works similar to the Nurse's Blink ability (one of the hardest in the game to master), which allows her to teleport across the map at the cost of a short cooldown. The Cenobite's ability doesn't allow him to cover nearly as much distance as the Nurse's Blink, but it is still a great way to quickly search for Survivors who may be completing a generator or cleansing a Hex totem. The Cenobite can also use his ability to travel between floors almost instantly.

9 Determine When It's Best To Teleport

Screenshot of The Cenobite teleporting to Survivor solving Lament Configuration

With each new Dead by Daylight DLC comes an iconic gameplay mechanic from the characters' series, and The Cenobite brought the Lament Configuration with him into the Fog. Both Survivors and the Killer can interact with the Lament Configuration. Solving the Lament Configuration as a Survivor prevents a Chain Hunt, but the Killer can teleport to Survivors solving it.

It's tempting to teleport every time a Survivor solves the Lament Configuration, but instantly doing so isn't always the best option. Experienced Survivors use the Lament Configuration as a distraction. Players should use their best judgment and consider Survivors' intentions before deciding to teleport.

8 Use Perks That Synergize With His Abilities

Screenshot of Dead by Daylight Pinhead with Deadlock perk description

Different perks work well with different Killers, but there are some perks that tend to come into play more often and create game-changing obstacles for survivors. Corrupt Intervention, one of The Plague's teachable Perks, is strong on The Cenobite since it helps him apply early-game pressure and narrow down survivors' locations.

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Franklin's Demise, which belongs to The Cannibal, also gives The Cenobite a boost that synergizes with his ability. This perk forces Survivors to drop whatever they're holding, including the Lament Configuration. One of The Cenobite's best perks is his own, Deadlock, which blocks the generator with the most progress after another generator is completed and shows its aura to the Killer.

7 Use Chains To Counter Loops

The Cenobite Dead by Daylight Summons of Pain chains

Some maps are inherently better for Survivors, containing many tight loops along with vault and pallet locations at every turn. Even on a more challenging map, Pinhead's chains are the perfect way for players to stop experienced Survivors from looping them around in circles.

If players spot a Survivor running toward a vault or pallet location, they can quickly open a gateway and hit the Survivor with chains. This will hopefully slow them down enough to secure a hit.

6 Don't Use Chains To Try To Gain Distance

Screenshot of Survivor Trapped Pinhead Chains

While The Cenobite's chains are great for preventing Survivors from running him around a loop, they aren't so effective at slowing Survivors down from a distance. Hitting a Survivor from too far away will slow them down temporarily, but still give them plenty of time to find a vault or pallet location to continue the chase. To stop Survivors in their tracks, players should wait until they are closer to the Survivor, and then use their chains to stop Survivors from vaulting or throwing down a pallet.

5 Solve The Lament Configuration

Dead by Daylight Survivor solving Lament Configuration

It is easier for Survivors than Killers to locate and solve the Lament Configuration, since Survivors can see its yellow aura highlighted on the map while Killers cannot. When Survivors solve the Lament Configuration, it prevents a Chain Hunt from starting.

When the Killer finds the Lament Configuration, though, all Survivors scream, exposing their locations and initiating a Chain Hunt. Therefore, if players come across the Lament Configuration as The Cenobite, they should always pick up "the box" and solve it.

4 Take Advantage of Chain Hunts

Pinhead Dead by Daylight holding book with chains

Aiming Pinhead's Summons of Pain can be challenging, making him a tough choice for beginners as compared to other Killers. Still, even those who struggle to use his primary ability can benefit from his passive ability, Chain Hunts.

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If the Survivors do not solve the Lament Configuration before the timer runs out, chains will spawn, preventing them from completing most activities. Survivors can see the Lament Configuration's aura, unlike the Killer, so players should guard "the box" by using Franklin's Demise or memorizing spawn locations.

3 Use Summons of Pain Often

Pinhead using Possessed Chains

Summons of Pain has a short cooldown, so it's best to use this ability as often as possible, especially with its many uses. Whether the Killer is scouting for Survivors or preventing a Survivor from gaining further distance by vaulting, this ability is worth using almost every time it's available.

Even if players don't see any Survivors nearby, they should know that experienced Survivors will use tricks to avoid being spotted. Don't stop scouting with The Cenobite's Summons of Pain gateways.

2 Focus On Slowing Down Generator Progress

Dead By Daylight 2 Survivors Leon and Jill completing Generator

The Cenobite's Summons of Pain ability may make him one of the scariest killers in the game, and it's greatly effective at slowing Survivors down at a loop. On the other hand, it doesn't singlehandledly stop Survivors from doing generators and darting out the exit gate.

To win the game and kill all four Survivors, those who choose to play The Cenobite will need to avoid chasing one Survivor for too long and instead focus on keeping Survivors off generators. The Cenobite's perk Deadlock can help with this.

1 Predict Survivors' Movements

Dead By Daylight Survivor Ash (1)

Summons of Pain isn't easy to aim, and Survivors often strafe or break line of sight to deny a hit from The Cenobite's chains. In order to avoid missing hits, carefully watch Survivors' movements to predict where they'll go next.

Experienced Survivors know to double-back or take advantage of strong loops. By paying attention to what Survivors do, players can avoid going for that winning hit only to realise the Survivor went another direction.

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