With the release of the Forged in Fog DLC chapter, Dead By Daylight has gained a much anticipated Knight Killer, capable of patrolling the battlefield with his army of minions, called his Guardia Compagnia. With such a unique power, unlike anything seen before in Dead By Daylight, players may have a difficult time grasping their abilities.

This guide will walk players through how to play the Knight in Dead By Daylight and make use of his sometimes-unreliable abilities in order to maximize his effectiveness in The Entity’s trials. It will cover his teachable perks and the general strategy with which to approach his gameplay.

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How To Play The Knight


The Knight’s power can be difficult to use, as it relies heavily on AI companions to detect Survivors and pressure them out of loops. Because Survivors can see their patrol path and radius, it can be easy for them to quickly avoid the Guardia Compagnia power. As such, figuring out how to play The Knight can be a little tricky.

When using his power outside a chase, the best thing the Guardia Compagnia can do is patrol generators or spend time breaking pallets or walls. This can not only help clear loops to further endanger Survivors but pressure them off generators, slowing them down and preventing the use of common meta perks like Prove Thyself. By using guards instead of performing these actions alone, The Knight can patrol other places and put more pressure on the map.

While in chase, The Knight’s sluggish power is not to be relied upon as a tool for hunting Survivors. Unlike The Spirit, whose incorporeal form is fantastic at hunting down injured prey, using The Knight’s Guards to hunt down Survivors only serves to give them distance and prevent a down. Even if the Guards do find the injured Survivor, they cannot be relied upon to kill them as they are slow in chase. Guards should always be accompanied by The Knight to corral Survivors into unfavorable positions where they can be easily downed.


At more difficult, time-consuming loops that benefit Survivors, such as the Killer Shack, the best thing The Knight can do is quickly place a Guard by double tapping the power button. This way, Survivors that don’t want to be pressured by a Guard and The Knight will be forced to leave the loop before the Guard can detect them. Meanwhile, by not wasting time tracing a path that Survivors can avoid, Forged in Fog's Knight can continue their chase without giving too much ground.

If the Guard doesn’t detect the Survivor, the Killer can push them into a weaker loop, but if the Guard does, be sure to try and push the Survivor toward them. For example, if a Guard is following a Survivor into a loop, try to cut off the loop from the other side, forcing Survivors into taking a hit from either the Guard or The Knight. Keep in mind, however, that Survivors being chased by Guards have no collision with The Knight, so body blocking isn’t an option.

Dead By Daylight is currently available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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