
  • Killers in Dead By Daylight need to pay attention to the generators at all times, even when chasing Survivors.
  • Killers should respect glyphs and not attack Survivors who are communing with them, as it shows good sportsmanship.
  • Keeping track of Survivor hook states is important for making strategic decisions, as well as for playing courteously.

Even though Killers are trying to kill the Survivors in Dead By Daylight, there are still a few general guidelines worth following. As the resident power role in Dead By Daylight, Killers have a major impact on the flow of the game. A particularly strong or weak performance by a Killer can lead to a very short game, with one side dominating the other. Once a Killer starts to pick up momentum though, especially with an early kill, they can be hard to stop. There are a few generally useful strategies for killer, as well as etiquette rules to follow.

Whether a player uses one of Dead By Daylight's most efficient Killers, or one on a lower tier, they hold a remarkable amount of power. While Survivors only have the ability to avoid the Killer or slow them down, the Killer can outright remove Survivors from the trial. Every Killer has their own powers and associated strategies though, unlike the Survivors whose core mechanics are identical to each other when disregarding perks. Because of this, every Killer generally needs a unique approach. However, there are some tips that will come in handy for every Killer in the game, and players would be wise to learn them quickly.

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Killers Should Respect Glyphs In Dead By Daylight

Dead by Daylight - White Glyph Interaction

When it comes to tome challenges, some of the most infamous are Dead By Daylight's glyph challenges. Not only do glyphs usually generate in a random spot, making them hard to find, but players also need to stand in one place to commune with them. Because glyphs can be so frustrating, it is greatly frowned upon for a killer to attack a survivor who is communing with one. After all, it will only prolong a bothersome tome challenge. Many survivors are even okay with being hit immediately after communing with their glyph due to the courtesy shown. Letting Survivors finish their glyphs is just good sportsmanship.

Always Be Aware Of Dead By Daylight's Generators

Dead By Daylight survivor generator aura

There's a good reason why Killers can see the auras of generators in Dead By Daylight at all times. Once the Survivors finish five generators, they're only one step away from escaping, so patrolling generators is a top priority for killer. In most situations, they should avoid sectors of the map that have no generators unless they're in a chase that they are almost certain to win, because that leaves the generators unprotected. Perks like Discordance and Surveillance can be particularly useful for this, letting the Killer know when a generator is being worked on so they can move in and sabotage.

A Survivor's Hook State is Vital Knowledge For a Dead By Daylight Killer

Dead by Daylight Dwight Crouching Towards Hooked Survivor Cropped

Keeping track of Survivor hook states is always important regardless of a Killer's build in Dead By Daylight. After all, killing off the Survivors is their goal, and remembering hook states can help a Killer make sharp decisions. For example, if two Survivors are found working on a generator, one hooked once, and one hooked twice, then the Killer should go for the latter to secure a kill. Conversely, killing off a survivor at the very start of the game is considered unsportsmanlike, especially if Bloody Party Streamers or an anniversary cake are active. That player is not only robbed of fun, but a potential Bloodpoint windfall as well.

Killers are a power role, but they don't control absolutely everything, so even the deadliest killer in Dead By Daylight will still see Survivors escape every now and again. However, Killers are a major threat by design, and players who know their chosen Killer well, combined with common tactics, can be difficult opponents to defeat. At the same time, a few commonly-accepted rules of common courtesy can keep the game fun for everyone. By keeping a few guidelines in mind, any Killer can put up a good fight in Dead By Daylight.

Dead By Daylight is available now for Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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