Iridescent Shards are one of Dead by Daylight's three in-game currencies, and they are used for purchasing non-licensed survivor and killer characters and rare cosmetics. Unlike Auric Cells, which can be bought, Dead by Daylight players must earn Iridescent Shards through gameplay. Because Iridescent Shards are so valuable, they are one of the more challenging currencies to earn.

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Players will earn some Iridescent Shards just for playing, but killers and survivors who understand how this currency works and how to earn it will rack up Shards faster than ever before. There are a few steps players can take before their games and during their games as both killer and survivor to make sure they're earning as many Iridescent Shards as possible.

Pay Attention to Emblems

Dead By Daylight emblems

Players receive four emblem scores after each match. Emblems used to determine a player's rank, but since Dead by Daylight switched over to skill-based matchmaking, they are more useful for determining how much EXP and therefore Iridescent Shards players will earn.

Survivors can earn emblem points in four different categories each for killer and survivor, enabling a back-and-forth between both sides. In other words, neither killers nor survivors should focus on only one category; they should try to maximize their points across all four to gain the most EXP in the least amount of time. Using strong perks for both survivor and killer can help players boost their scores; for example, Empathy can help survivors find injured teammates and thus earn Altruism points.

Killers and survivors can earn points in the following categories:



Devout: Killing survivors, using killer power

Lightbringer: Completing objectives (repairing generators/cleansing totems), opening exit gates

Gatekeeper: More points awarded for fewer generators completed by survivors; more points for less time spent in trial

Unbroken: More points awarded for more time alive; can only achieve max points if the survivor never enters the dying state

Malicious: Injuring survivors, grabbing survivors, hooking survivors

Benevolent: Altruistic actions such as unhooking, healing others, bodyblocking

Chaser: Finding survivors, injuring survivors quickly

Evader: Hiding from the killer, winning chases/being chased without being injured, pallet stuns

Take Advantage Of Events

Dead by Daylight Bone Chill event Hag and Wraith

Behaviour often gives out free Iridescent Shards during events or holidays, so players should keep a lookout for events that will help them earn Iridescent Shards quickly. Event rewards also usually include limited-edition cosmetics, offerings and even Tomes, so playing during an event can net players more rewards than they realize.

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After many players expressed their wishes for better events, Behaviour focused their energy on improving them. Past events have included the annual Anniversary Event, winter Bone Chill event, and Halloween events, so both killers and survivors can look forward to free Shards and EXP bonuses year-round. Some of them award as many as 500 Iridescent Shards per day just for logging in!

Play Every Day

Survivor Dead by Daylight flashlight blind

Dead by Daylight offers a "First Match of the Day" bonus, providing players with 300 bonus EXP the first time they play as killer and survivor each day. Therefore, players who play as a killer and a survivor at least once per day can receive up to 600 bonus EXP. While these bonuses may not sound like much, they can quickly add up for those who are devoted to the game.

Since these bonuses are for both sides, and players can only get double points if they play as both killer and survivor, the "First Match of the Day" bonus encourages players to test out characters and perks they wouldn't have otherwise tried. Though most players play survivors more often than killers, those who go out of their way to earn the "First Match of the Day" bonus might even find themselves improving at the most challenging killers to learn.

Play More Matches

Dead by Daylight Demogorgon carrying survivor

Because the main way to earn Iridescent Shards in Dead by Daylight is by gaining experience points (EXP) and leveling up, the best way to gain Iridescent Shards is to simply play as many matches as possible. This ensures that players who play the game often are the ones who get access to the special costumes and characters Iridescent Shards grant. Playing often is also a great way to earn Bloodpoints.

When a player gains enough EXP from playing matches, they level up their Devotion level. The higher a player's level, the more Iridescent Shards a player earns, so the more someone engages in the game, the more they are rewarded. Players should note that Devotion level, which is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the lobby screen, is separate from each killer and survivor character's individual level, which only affects their own perks.

Keep Matches Under Ten Minutes

Dead by Daylight Survivor Ace leaving through exit gate

Players should play more matches to earn more EXP, which means keeping matches relatively short. Dead by Daylight awards EXP for time spent in the match, but EXP caps after ten minutes. As such, players who are focused on earning as many Iridescent Shards as possible should ensure each match lasts no longer than ten minutes. Survivors should focus on completing all generators as quickly as possible, while the killer should focus on killing all survivors.

Survivors should avoid hiding if possible and instead focus on looping the killer, since the former generally takes more time while the latter awards more points. Those who play survivors with strong perks or teach those perks to other survivors should be able to run the killer for a moment while other survivors quickly finish generators.

Dead by Daylight is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Google Stadia, and Mobile.

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