With almost two hundred perks, hundreds of add-ons, and numerous items to purchase, Bloodpoints go fast in Dead by Daylight. The 1,000,000 point cap might seem lofty at first, but players quickly realize that they'll be spending points as quickly as they acquire them, all in the name of the perfect build.

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Spending Bloodpoints doesn't require the same level of strategy as looping The Spirit or placing the perfect trap as The Hag, but it isn't without its nuance. New survivors can easily find themselves short on Bloodpoints and crucial perks if they spend carelessly. By keeping a few simple pointers in mind, however, they'll have exactly what they need to make it through the Trials.

10 Buy It All Until Level 10

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Until a survivor or killer hits level 10, it doesn't matter in what order the player advances through the Bloodweb. At lower levels, every slot on the Web must be unlocked, and the order ultimately makes no difference. It's simply a matter of grinding through the early levels until level 10 when the Entity is awakened.

At that point, the Entity will begin to consume slots on the Bloodweb, working its way in from the edges and forcing the player to prioritize certain purchases. Even then, remember that perks, items, and add-ons that the Entity consumes will reappear on the Bloodweb in the future. Things aren't lost forever even if they aren't immediately purchased.

9 Spend Points To Earn Points

dead by daylight mikaela reid face feature

Offerings such as Survivor Pudding, Escape Cake, and Bloody Party Streamers can be brought into the Trial to grant additional Bloodpoints to killers and survivors. It is often worth spending Bloodpoints on such offerings, as the amount of BP they award will typically be much higher than the amount spent to purchase them.

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While some players may be reluctant to spend BP on offerings, given that they disappear after a single Trial, buying BP boosting offerings like these is typically a worthwhile expenditure. As long as snagging that Survivor Pudding or Escape Cake isn't going to result in the loss of something even more valuable, it will virtually always be worth it. Keep in mind, too, that the better the player performs during the Trial, the more these offerings can bring in, making the investment an even wiser one.

8 Level Perks Before Adding New Ones

The Demogorgon posing in the loading screen in Dead by Daylight

Perks come in tiers of varying rarity, with higher rarities offering shorter cooldowns or more potent effects. They are unlocked in ascending order on the Bloodweb, meaning the lower tiers of a perk must be purchased before the highest tier becomes accessible. Once the Entity awakens at level 10, the player must begin making tough choices about which perks to buy and which to let go for the moment.

In general, it's more advantageous to focus on leveling a handful of powerful perks than buying a large number of weak ones, since a character can only equip four at once. By bringing a few strong perks into the Trial, the player increases their chances of escaping or killing, thereby increasing their Bloodpoint gain.

7 Avoid Things You Won't Use

The Demogorgon and a description of its power in Dead by Daylight

Though it should be obvious, it's worth stating that anything a player doesn't intend to use is a waste of Bloodpoints. A purple flashlight with a special bulb might be powerful, but if the survivor likes to run a healing build and always brings medkits, that flashlight is worthless.

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Players should prioritize purchases that they will actually utilize. Bloodwebs are littered with useful things, but every player has a specific playstyle that will make some things more useful than others. If a survivor doesn't bring rare and expensive items into the Trial, stockpiling White Ward offerings to protect those items is a waste of time and resources. Knowing one's own strategies and preferences is valuable.

6 Outsmart The Entity

A closeup of a survivor by the firelight in Dead by Daylight

When the Entity begins to consume unselected nodes on the Bloodweb, it becomes possible to lose out on valuable perks. Even though those perks will resurface, not having something valuable early on can be painful.

Every time the character levels up and a new Bloodweb opens, take a moment to assess what's available and what the most efficient route to each node is. Through careful planning, it's often possible to secure more than one coveted perk on the same Web, staying just ahead of the Entity while developing a powerful character.

5 Use The Entity

A Survivor on a hook wrestling with the Entity's claws in Dead by Daylight

The Entity may be a threat to Bloodwebs, but it can also be an asset. Once the player has purchased everything they want from the Web, every remaining unpurchased node is, in essence, a waste of Bloodpoints, valuable only because finishing one Web will unlock the next.

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A player attentive to the Entity's movements can use it to consume multiple unwanted nodes at once. This accelerates the leveling process by doing away with undesirable items that would have only leeched away at the player's reserve of Bloodpoints. Chokepoints with only a single connecting node are especially important, because if the Entity consumes that point, it will also consume all nodes that lie beyond it.

4 Don't Prestige Unnecessarily

The Ghost Face waving in Dead By Daylight

Once a character reaches level 50, the player can choose to prestige them, which resets the character's level to 1 and unlocks a unique, bloody cosmetic. Choosing to prestige a character is not efficient, as it requires a tremendous number of Bloodpoints to climb to level 50 once, let alone four times, and every previously purchased perk must be repurchased for that character.

It's only worth taking a character through the prestige process if there's absolutely nothing else to buy, or if that bloody cosmetic for Nurse is just a personal must-have. P3 characters covered head-to-toe in blood might look cool, but grinding the points necessary to get them is miserable.

3 Pick The Perks You Want In Advance

A lit Hex Totem in Dead by Daylight

Not all perks in Dead by Daylight are created equal. Hex: Devour Hope is more popular than Monstrous Shrine for a reason: it's more powerful, more versatile, and will win more matches for the killer. One of the best ways to save Bloodpoints is to decide what perks to pursue early on.

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Survivors who know they want Borrowed Time will need to level Bill to get it, unless they get lucky buying the perk outright from the Shrine of Secrets. Players interested in having the most powerful survivor builds early on will need to prioritize characters like Bill, David, Laurie, and Meg above others like Dwight and Steve. Having a build in mind well in advance will save countless Bloodpoints.

2 Focus On Certain Characters

The Demogorgon, Steve, and Nancy in Dead by Daylight

Perks are purchased for every character individually, so buying Pop Goes the Weasel for Trapper or Boon: Shadowstep for Jill won't unlock those perks for Wraith and Cheryl. For this reason, it's best to prioritize one or two characters at a time, spending enough points to create viable builds for them rather than spread the points among a large number of characters.

This strategy will help those characters level up faster, but it will also help the player become better with their unique playstyles. It incentivizes the player not to jump around too much before learning the fundamentals.

1 Synergize Perks

Dead by Daylight Sprint Burst Perk next to Survivor Meg

One of the greatest factors in whether or not a build will be successful is whether or not its perks have synergy, playing off their combined strengths in unique and powerful ways. When buying perks, it's important to think not only about the perk itself, but other perks that would work well with it on a certain character.

For example, Sloppy Butcher does little good on a hatchet-throwing Huntress, but can work wonders on the claws of the Hag. The perk is even stronger when paired with Franklin's Demise to knock away pesky medkits. Buying with perk synergy in mind will make sure that a given character is getting the most value from their Bloodpoints. The Trials will never be easy, but they don't have to be pure agony either.

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