Finishing generators as quickly as possible is key to winning as a survivor in Dead by Daylight. To escape the trial, the survivors must first complete all five generators, which requires a mixture of teamwork and keen focus on the objective. While winning may seem as simple as running up to the generators and working on them, it is rarely that easy; the killer's skills will require some strategy to outlast. However, there are ways survivors can increase their repair speed and therefore have a much better chance of winning their trials.

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Understanding how to quickly complete generators will help any survivor improve their game in Dead by Daylight. Survivors who effectively complete generators not only escape more often, but also tend to be a real asset to their team, helping all four survivors make their way out of the exit gates more often. Here's how to optimize survivors' time on generators and get them done as quickly as possible.

Use A Toolbox

Toolbox DBD

Toolboxes are one of the best ways to increase generator repair speed in Dead by Daylight, especially if the player is able to equip a particularly strong toolbox. Toolboxes are so strong, especially with add-ons, that full teams of survivors holding toolboxes can be a killer's worst nightmare. Not every toolbox is made for repair speed, though; some toolboxes are optimized for sabotage. Players should not equip Alex's Toolbox if they're planning on repairing generators instead of sabotaging, since it barely increases repair speed, instead focusing on sabotage.

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The Engineer's Toolbox is the best toolbox option for increasing repair speed; while it only has 16 charges, it repairs generators faster than any other toolbox. The Mechanic's Toolbox is also a great choice, but even the most common Worn-Out Tools will work. Buying strong toolboxes is a wise way to spend Bloodpoints in the Bloodweb, since they end up paying for themselves in matches won.

Use Toolbox Add-Ons

Brand New Part DBD

Players wanting to optimize their generator repair speed in every trial will probably end up equipping a toolbox. Toolboxes are made significantly stronger with add-ons, and the right add-ons can be game-changing. Players can equip the Brand New Part add-on to their toolbox, which grants the player 15% bonus progression and an additional 10% progression based on whether or not they hit two challenging skill checks that follow. Four survivors with Brand New Parts can effectively complete a generator almost instantly.

Other great options are add-ons that add charges to the toolbox or increase toolbox repair speed, making survivors able to complete a generator or two in a jiffy. A toolbox that is both durable and speedy is something that can only really be achieved with add-ons, but it completely changes the game when done right.

Use Perks That Boost Repair Speed

Prove Thyself perk DBD

Certain survivor perks boost the speed of generator repair completion, and these perks are a great choice for teams or individual players trying to finish generators as quickly as possible. Sometimes, these repair speed-boosting perks are dependent on other survivors being in the area or have other activators, so players should take a close look at the perks they're using to ensure they're using them properly throughout the match and getting as much value as possible out of them. Most repair speed-based perks also have other benefits, too, making them a good option for well-rounded builds.

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The following perks boost generator repair speeds for survivors (all values shown are for perks at Tier 3):

  • Resilience - Boosts generator repair speed and the speeds of various other actions by 9% when injured.
  • Prove Thyself (Dwight Fairfield) - Increases generator repair speed by 15% for each survivor within 4 metres of your location, up to a maximum of 45%. (Every survivor within range receives this speed boost, but multiple instances of Prove Thyself don't stack.)
  • Spine Chill - Notifies the player when the killer is looking at them within 36m, and increases repair speed by 6% during this time.
  • Fast Track (Yun-Jin Lee) - Whenever another survivor is hooked, gain 3 tokens, up to a maximum of 27. When the player lands a great skill check on a generator, each token adds 1% bonus progress.

Work With Other Survivors Strategically

Situational Awareness DBD

Working with other survivors on generators will help the whole survivor team complete generators faster. That said, contrary to popular belief, it may not be the best idea for all four survivors to stay on one generator. Having multiple survivors does help complete the generator faster, but with each additional survivor, that benefit depletes slightly. Working with just one other survivor provides the most benefit, almost halving the time it takes to complete the generator. From there, though, other survivors can only further decrease repair speed by 9 and 2 seconds respectively. Plus, if the killer finds the whole survivor team on a generator, it will be hard for everyone to avoid getting hit.

All things considered, survivors should work with one or two other survivors maximum on a generator at any given time. Perks like Situational Awareness, which will alert the rest of the team to which generator the player is working on, are a good choice for survivors hoping to work on generators with other survivors. When working with other survivors, the benefits of repair speed-boosting perks will also be increased. Players should take note of how many survivors are on a generator and consider leaving if there are already several others.

# of Survivors

Generator Repair Time









Dead By Daylight is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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