Tango Gameworks and Shinji Mikami’s The Evil Within is full of antagonists who are all creatively designed and aesthetically diverse. The Evil Within's survival horror leans into grotesque, gory frights with striking imagery and psychological tendencies. While its sequel installment released back in 2017, TheEvil Within's franchise is still beloved by horror fans.

Dead by Daylight's announcement of Ringu being added to its abundant list of horror franchise crossovers is exciting, but there is still potential for many more remarkable horror franchises to make their debut as well. Between The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2, there are a couple of exceptional antagonists that would be uniquely perfect for Dead by Daylight without stepping on the toes of its current character roster.

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Laura (a.k.a. “Reborn” Laura Victoriano)


If any antagonist character in The Evil Within serves as its iconic mascot, it would surely be Laura Victoriano. Laura is depicted as having elongated limbs, an extra pair of arms, and draping black hair. Like several nostalgic bosses from The Evil Within, Laura appears in both The Evil Within and its sequel. Because of Laura's tragic backstory and death, Ruben Victoriano's reincarnation of Laura has mottled flesh, is vulnerable to fire, and screams constantly.

Laura is able to teleport between corpses and emerges from them in explosive geysers of blood. This ability is arguably similar to Dead by Daylight's iteration of Stranger Things' Demogorgon, who can create portals in the map to traverse between so long as survivors do not actively close them. But now that Dead by Daylight's Stranger Things content has been removed from purchasable means, the Demogorgon killer character is no longer available for players who do not already own it.

Even though players who already own the character can play as Demogorgon whenever they would like, Laura could serve as a suitable surrogate for the Demogorgon and its unique abilities while adding Laura's own aesthetic to it. Instead of portals, for example, there could be corpses strewn throughout a map or significant points of interest otherwise that Laura could traverse between, such as how Dead by Daylight's Freddy Krueger can teleport to generators to surprise survivors.

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Obscura would certainly be Dead by Daylight's least humanoid or anthropomorphic killer character. Obscura is perhaps a lesser-known antagonist if players have not experienced The Evil Within's sequel, though it is a terrifying and unforgettable creature for players who have. Obscura is a contorted mass of torn flesh and nimble appendages that splay out like a tripod stitched to an amalgamated corpse. Obscura's stealth is effective in narrow corridors and its head is a folding accordion camera with which it uses a unique ability.

The Obscura's camera flashbulb suspends time with slow-motion in an AoE, which could effectively stun survivors in Dead by Daylight and cause them to move and sprint at a slowed pace while they are inside its area of effect. This ability would require killer-players to get close to survivors to use it well, but with an emphasis on stealth maneuvers, it could become an easy way to down several survivors at once if more than one survivor is working on a generator or other task.

Further, because Laura and Obscura are both multi-legged, they could both effectively vault through windows, strike palettes, and hook survivors. But each killer character could also move about with creepy animations and fully endorse Dead by Daylight's proposed description of being a horror game. Laura and Obscura are both fairly sizeable characters in The Evil Within, but Laura could lay nearer to the ground as she crawls about and teleports, and Obscura's stealth could come into play with a reduced Terror Radius.

The Evil Within Characters Perfect for DLC Cosmetic Outfits


Many of The Evil Within's characters are creative and inventive, but some of them may not have unique enough abilities to be considered as full-fledged character additions themselves. Another iconic villain mascot from The Evil Within would be the Keeper, portrayed as a large individual wearing a butcher's garb and a metal safe as a head. However, the Keeper would be too similar to Dead by Daylight's the Trapper, who is also a hulking figure that sets bear traps rather than wire traps.

The Keeper could instead be a DLC skin cosmetic superimposed onto the Trapper, with reskinned and repurposed wire traps in place of bear traps. The Evil Within 2 features a haunting onryō entity named Anima who wails and can pass through walls and other structures. Unfortunately, Anima would be far too similar to either the Spirit or the Nurse from Dead by Daylight and would not have unique enough abilities to be added as her own character. Rather, Anima could be offered in a The Evil Within crossover DLC as skins for either the Nurse or the Spirit.

The Cannibal, known more commonly as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Leatherface, and the Hillbilly are incredibly similar in terms of their disfigurations and chainsaw attacks. So it is perhaps possible that they could manage to fit one of these antagonists from The Evil Within into Dead by Daylight anyhow, despite how similar they may be to one or more characters already in the roster.

Another obvious addition to Dead by Daylight could be The Evil Within's protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos, as a survivor character. Sebastian is a relatively average protagonist in terms of his abilities, and his combat-oriented weapons and skills would not necessarily translate well to teachable survivor perks. Instead, he could either be a skin cosmetic for another survivor character or left out entirely for Dead by Daylight to concentrate upon the meaningful killer character additions that could be possible in a crossover with The Evil Within.

The Evil Within 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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