There is still a lot of mystery surrounding the allegiance between the killers of Dead By Daylight and the Entity that governs the Realm that all of the characters have found themselves in. While most killers have blank stares and intentions that are just as hazy as the fog, it's a bit surprising to see that they were once human before they went on their killing sprees.

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Some tragic, some sadistic, the backgrounds of each of the killers in Dead By Daylight are quite detailed. When reading about them, one may be surprised to learn that their favorite killer wasn't actually very different from the survivors in the game at one point in time.

10 The Trapper Caused The Worst Mass Murder in Modern History

Dead By Daylight Trapper

Evan MacMillan, better known as The Trapper, is most infamous for a tragic massacre in a mine that he had intentionally caused under the direction of his mentally unhinged father. Idolizing him from an early age, Evan obeyed his psychotic father's command and led over 100 workers into the MacMillan Estate mine before detonating a bomb that would trap and kill all of them. He then disappeared into the Entity's Realm shortly after.

9 The Hillbilly Was Born Deformed

Dead By Daylight Hillbilly Carrying

Unlike many of the other killers, The Hillbilly does not wear a mask or head covering, and instead displays his hideous, deformed face as he rushes down survivors with his chainsaw. The Hillybilly was born deformed and was sadly alienated by his family as a result.

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The unnamed child was kept locked in a room and fed through a door, before he eventually escaped and murdered his family as revenge for the life that they had forced him to live.

8 The Huntress Watched Her Mother Die in a Hunting Accident

From the time she was born, Anna, better known as The Huntress, was raised by her mother primarily in the woods, who taught her to hunt and live off of the grid. One day, as the mother-daughter duo snuck up on a large elk that would be their next prey, it suddenly lunged at Anna. Her mother took the blow and took the elk down with her, and Anna watched helplessly in her mother's arms as she passed away before her, singing her favorite lullaby.

7 The Blight Experimented on Prisoners of the Opium Wars

Dead by Daylight PTB

The Blight, or Talbot Grimes, was a scientific prodigy with a disposition to chemistry from an early age. Upon graduating from the London School of Medicine, he became the head chemist at the British East India Company.

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His experiments took a questionable turn, however, when he began using prisoners of the Opium Wars as guinea pigs for new chemicals that he would invent that were meant to increase the physical and mental aptitudes of those that used it.

6 The Oni Was Famously Known as "The Rageful Samurai"

Worrying that there was a decline in samurai culture as many fraudulent throughout Japan began posing as samurai, Kazan Yamoaka embarked on a personal journey to dispose of the imposters. He became so obsessed with this endeavor that people began to fear that he was possessed by dark spirits in his quest, referring to him as "Oni-Yamaoka", the Rageful Samurai.

5 The Plague Was Abandoned By Her Family at 5 Years Old

At 5 years old, Adiris, the youngest of her family, was abandoned at the Temple of Purgation. She took solace in religion, performing duties as a priestess in the Temple, praying that she would find purpose in her life through God.

4 The Spirit's Father Killed Her

Rin Yamaoka lived in a financially unstable household that was further thrown into disarray one year when her mother had fallen severely ill. The stress was too much for Rin's father, who began losing sleep and sanity with each passing night.

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Eventually, he snapped, and Rin abruptly walked in on her mothers severed remains at the hands of her father, who quickly attacked her as well. In her dying moments, Rin's desire for revenge was so profound that her spirit lingered on even after her father ended her life.

3 The Clown Joined The Circus To Escape His Father

dead by daylight killers all the killers in the game

The Clown, or Kenneth Chase, had an awkward childhood, spurred by his mother's untimely death while giving birth which caused an uncomfortable distance between he and his father. He began to show sociopathic tendencies at an early age, finding pleasure in murdering small animals and keeping their remains hidden in a box. Upon returning home one day, he spotted his father examining the remains of the animals that he had tortured and murdered, and instantly left his home to join the circus and escape his father's suspicion.

2 The Doctor Worked For the CIA

dead by daylight killers all the killers in the game

Doctor Herman Carter was a genius in school, excelling in psychology specifically. Graduating from an accelerated neuroscience program at Yale University, Carter ended up working for the CIA, where he aided in methods of interrogation.

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The morality of these methods began to blur as Carter began performing "experimental" interrogation methods.

1 The Hag Was Almost Eaten by Cannibals

Dead By Daylight Hag

The Hag was better known as Lisa Sherwood from a young age by the elders that she lived with. Lisa grew up in a small village, isolated from civilization, where she learned the culture, charms, and history of the people that raised her. Unfortunately, one night, Lisa got caught in a storm and blacked out after hitting her head. She was subsequently taken hostage by cannibals. Her will to survive allowed her to overcome the shackles that the cannibals had placed her in, and her desire for vengeance manifested through old charms that she drew into the ground that she had remembered from the elders of her village.

NEXT: Dead By Daylight: The 10 Best Killer Perks, Ranked