
  • Certain perks like Quick & Quiet and Iron Will provide survivors with new opportunities to escape a killer and confuse them during a chase in Dead by Daylight.
  • Lucky Break is a powerful perk that removes pools of blood and scratch marks, helping survivors escape early-game chases and waste the killer's time.
  • Windows of Opportunity is an essential perk for survivors as it allows them to see all nearby windows and pallets, helping them plan their next actions and make it harder for the killer to catch them.

Escaping from the killer in Dead by Daylight is always hard as they have superior speed and can track survivors down. Survivors have few advantages, but certain perks provide a better chance to escape a killer. These perks provide new opportunities to break free from a chase and leave the killer confused.

The Unwritten Rules of Dead by Daylight's Survivors Explained

Dead by Daylight has been around for seven years now, and in that time, its community has created some rules on how Survivors should behave.

Some killers in Dead by Daylight are more difficult to flee from than others, as stronger killers have a bigger advantage in taking survivors down. Combining chase knowledge with strong perks gives survivors a chance to flee from a chase and leave the killer in their dust. The fleeing perks work best for players who can loop killers and make breaking away from the chase much easier.

6 Quick & Quiet

pallet slide legion snow map

Rushing survivor actions result in noise notifications that alert the killer if they are near. Rushed actions include fast vaulting a pallet or window or rushing in or out of a locker. Quick & Quiet completely suppresses all audio from a rushed action but has a cooldown. On Tier 3 the perk has a cooldown of 20 seconds.

Quick & Quiet is used in stealth builds as it provides new avenues of escaping from the killer during a tense chase. Players can rush into a locker while the killer is not in direct eyesight and give killers a confusing time. Players may also use Quick & Quiet to vault a window and get a head start on building distance from the killer while they are unaware of the rushed vault.

5 Iron Will

2 survivors working on generator killer aura

Iron Will is a perk obtained from Jake and significantly dampens survivor pain grunts. Pain grunts are reduced by 75% on tier 3 of Iron Will. While it is not 100%, it still provides a major advantage to injured survivors. Players should also try to avoid the loudest survivors in Dead by Daylight as killers have an easy time locating these survivors during a chase.

Dead by Daylight: How to Survive As Jake

One of the fan-favorite survivors, Jake Park, is the ultimate survivor for those who want to keep in the shadows while also harassing the killer.

Pain grunts help killers know the exact location of survivors and make it harder to break away from a chase. Iron Will alone isn't enough to provide a substantial advantage against killers, but it does pair well with other perks. While Iron Will no longer provides a 100% noise reduction, it is still highly encouraged to use if players are using one of the louder survivors in the game.

4 Lucky Break

Lucky Break 2 survivors chase oni

Lucky Break is a powerful perk for escaping early-game chases and wasting the killer's time in lengthy chases. Lucky Break activates once a survivor is injured and will work to remove pools of blood and scratch marks. Combining Iron Will with Lucky Break will turn survivors into temporary ninjas until Lucky Break runs out.

Although Lucky Break lasts 60 seconds, it can be refilled by helping other survivors. For every second spent healing a survivor, the player receives one second back in Lucky Break. Lucky Break allows survivors to run a hybrid healer and flee build, as keeping it charged will help survivors get more use out of the perk. Players can obtain Lucky Break from Yui Kimura and start to give killers a hard time chasing injured survivors.

3 Dance With Me

clown lost survivor crouched

Using a perk that requires players to be injured is risky, and staying healthy should be the goal. Dance With Me works after performing a rushed action and will suppress scratch marks for 3 seconds afterward. The perk has a cooldown of 40 seconds on Tier 3 and is perfect for tricking killers.

Dance With Me gives survivors a chance to flee from the killer without the need to get injured. Players will also have no pain grunts, making it harder for the killer to chase a healthy survivor. Pairing Dance With Me with Lithe helps survivors supercharge the two perks and almost vanish from the killer's vicinity.

Dead by Daylight: 5 Looping Tips

Use these tips and tricks to help escape the Killer's clutches.

The perk requires a window with long walls to eliminate a direct line of sight on the survivor, making the hidden scratch marks useless. The perk is lots of fun when it works and satisfying when used to flee a chase.

2 Windows Of Opportunity

kate pallet slide clown killer

Pallets and windows are vital in Dead by Daylight and can make or break a chase with a killer. With Windows of Opportunity, survivors can see all windows, pallets, and breakable windows 32 meters away. Knowing the nearest pallet or window helps survivors plan their next course of action and gives the killer a hard time.

Running around aimlessly will always lead to the end of a chase with a survivor getting downed. Moving from one pallet to another while mixing in windows will extend chases and give opportunities to escape. Windows of Opportunity is an essential perk for survivors as it pairs well with many other perks, such as Lithe and Dance With Me.

1 Overcome

Overcome survivor running plague killer

Survivors get a speed boost when hit, which helps them flee the killer, but Overcome can prolong the speed increase. Overcome is an excellent beginner perk as it adds two extra seconds to the speed boost gained when injured.

The two additional seconds can build enough distance from the killer to lose them entirely. Overcome and Lucky Break go hand in hand as survivors will leave no scratch marks in their frantic sprint to safety. Having a good med kit with add-ons is essential for survivors using Overcome.

Dead By Daylight is available now for Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.​​​​​​​

MORE: Unwritten Rules of Dead by Daylight's Killers Explained