Dead By Daylight is a horror game that may have started a trend. Players teaming up against a killer either original or from an established universe to escape. Compared to other games in this genre, Dead By Daylight holds up its own.

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However, since there's a small team behind this project with less manpower, the game can run into issues. With limited resources, Behavior Interactive are working around the clock to patch it up. The good news is that Dead by Daylight is quite different than what it was in 2016. But here are ten issues that still need fixing.

10 Queuing

This issue has been problematic since the game launched. Now that Dead By Daylight is available on many platforms like games on-demand services such as Xbox's Game Pass, there have been more players interested in the game.

Getting more people to play a small game is great, but Behavior Interactive doesn't have the same server power as the giants like Ubisoft of EA so it adds stress. With that stress, adds more waiting time to get into a game. Oftentimes it impacts gameplay. For example, if players wait too long they could end up with a high-level killer or high leveled survivors during matchmaking.

9 Movement

Movement is another issue that has been addressed slowly over time. As of late though, both survivors and killers are still clunky. For survivors, it's the simple things like going through a window or moving around corners.

Survivors are in third person, but the killers are in first. Being the killer is different because each killer has different strengths and weaknesses. So when in the first-person view, it makes moving hard especially when the survivors are circling quickly around the killer. Behavior Interactive should make these actions fluid, and less disruptive.

8 Console Optimization

The game first launched on PC in 2016 so it works well there. The issue with this is that on other platforms like Playstation 4 and the Switch it underperforms. It's a lot clunkier, the controls can be delayed, and it's generally a slower experience.

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PC players are first in line for updates and patches typically, so they get to play a better version of the game earlier. Console players do make up a sizeable chunk of the base, so it would make sense to prioritize them over PC players until the console version is stable.

7 Lighting

The game is set at night, hence why it's a horror game. But even when the moonlight is full, players still complain it's dark. While there is a helpful perk that allows the map to be less dark when a survivor has it activated, the game is still overall too dark.

This isn't the case for some of the maps, but the ones that are in dense forest areas are something the developers should look at. Even when there's heavy fog while playing as the killer, it can be distracting and unfair because now the killer can't see in front of them and it becomes a big disadvantage.

6 Exit Gates

These unlock after all the survivors have turned on the generators. The issues can impact both survivors and killers. On many maps, the gates are too far away from each other. This can make it harder for survivors to meet at one gate. The point is that the more survivors that are working on one gate, the quicker it opens. So if one player is working at one gate alone, the killer can hear that and run over to them.

Some maps it's the opposite, which can be a disadvantage for the killers. If they're too close to each other, more than one survivor can work on a gate and exit before the killer gets there. So to balance it out would be making each gate at an equal distance across all maps.

5 Map Size

The general complaint about map sizes is that it's either too big or too small. If it's too big the survivors can quickly work on the objectives, turn on generators and unhook survivors who have been caught. This is unfair to the killer who would spend the majority of the match wandering around looking for the survivors.

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If the map is too small, it can work against the survivors. The killer would be able to catch them much quicker and hook them, then rinse and repeat. Since everything is close together, and if the killer has a perk that makes his speed faster, they can reach the survivors in no time. Map sizes should be somewhere in between to give both the killer and survivors breathing room. Which would make the game easier for both parties.

4 Balance

The game has a known issue that it's easier being the survivors. Players work together and they're using the third-person camera. So survivors can easily look around them when working on an objective to see if the killer is coming.

The games as the killers are impossible to beat and the survivors have to work together, on paper. However, in many cases, the survivors are ganging up on the killer. The best way to remedy this is make it an equal playing field at the start. And each objective done by both parties should make them better as the game goes

3 The Mobile App

When Dead By Daylight went mobile it was a sign of how much success the game was getting. Impressively, it managed to attract over a million players, but like the main version, it's facing issues.

Behavior Interactive is addressing these issues, but players are reporting as they escape they fall out the map, or when climbing through windows players need to press it twice. Common cases include some animation glitches happening whenever interacting with an objective and a long delay between the player inputting what character is doing.

2 Auto-Aim

This usually is just for the killers and can work against them. When two or more survivors are near or in front of the killer and they're trying to free a teammate, the killer should be easily able to pick them off. However, the auto-aiming makes it so the player closest to the killer gets hit first.

So the killer would be lunging for the wrong target allowing the other survivor to quickly free the teammate from the hook and escape. This forces the killer to use their abilities in the hopes of stopping the survivor.

1 Disconnecting Issues

A killer in Dead By Daylight carrying an injured survivor to the hook

The killer hosts each match so if the killer quits, the whole game is over and players who are survivors lose experience points and currency that lets them buy traits. This also affects gameplay if the killer has a bad internet connection, as it causes lagging and choppiness. This can make it easier for the killer to catch a survivor.

It also causes players to jump around and do things they didn't do, all because the connection is bad. In a lot of cases, players are being suspended from matchmaking because the hosts game loses connection.

NEXT: Dead By Daylight: The 10 Best Killer Perks, Ranked