One of the easier Killers to learn in Dead by Daylight, The Legion can quickly bounce between Survivors with their Feral Frenzy power, allowing them to see Survivors nearby and inflict Deep Wounds on them, helping to slow down the game while Survivors mend and heal.

To excel at The Legion in Dead by Daylight, players must be constantly aware of their surroundings, paying attention to Survivor locations and avoiding pallet stuns to save their power. This guide will showcase the best builds for The Legion to maintain pressure across the map, keeping tabs on plenty of Dead by Daylight's Survivors at once to make the most of their power.

UPDATE: 2024/03/20 13:17 EST BY LEWIS SMYTH

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Legion

Plenty has changed about Dead by Daylight in 2024, resulting in significant meta shifts for Killers and Survivors alike. The update to this guide reworks some builds to no longer include The Demogorgon's teachable perks, and now features a list of The Legion's strongest Add-Ons.

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Hillbilly (2024)

This guide shows players the best builds to run on Dead by Daylight's original Chainsaw Killer, the tortured and twisted Hillbilly.

The Legion: Best Non-Teachable Build (2024)

dead by daylight the legion best non-teachable build

With a power as oppressive as The Legion’s, Survivors will often split up to work on multiple generators at once. This means that The Legion must divide their attention or achieve quick downs in order to keep the game under control. This build focuses on keeping Survivors pressured until the lethal endgame.

  • Discordance (The Legion) – Any generators within 128 meters being worked on by two or more survivors will be highlighted in yellow.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk) – After the final generator is completed, all survivors suffer from the Exposed status ailment, and users gain a 4% Haste effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed.
  • Spies from the Shadows (General Perk) – Within a 36 meter radius, cawing crows provide The Killer with a visual cue.
  • Bitter Murmur (General Perk) – Each time a generator is completed, the auras of Survivors within 16 meters of that generator are revealed for 5 seconds. Once the last generator is complete, all Survivors’ auras are revealed for 10 seconds.

The Legion: Best Build (2024)

dead by daylight the legion best build

As Survivors are far more likely to split up with The Legion in play, this build centers around controlling generators with the most ruthless slowdown perks currently available in Dead by Daylight.

  • Play with Your Food (The Shape) – After starting a chase with the Obsession, letting them escape will grant the Killer up to three tokens. Each token increases movement speed by 5%. Performing any attack uses one token.
  • Discordance (The Legion) – Any generators within 128 meters that are being worked on by 2 or more survivors will be highlighted in yellow.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown) – For 45 seconds after hooking a Survivor, damaging a generator will remove 30% of its current progress.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist) – The Killer starts with four tokens. For each different Survivor hooked on a white Scourge Hook, lose one token and explode the generator with the most progress, causing it to lose 25% of progress.
Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Nurse (2024)

Death comes in the blink of an eye when The Nurse comes out to play in Dead by Daylight, and this guide showcases the strongest builds to run on her.

The Legion: Best Add-Ons

Smiley Face Pin

dead by daylight the legion smiley face pin addon

This simple Common Add-On inflicts those hit with The Legion’s Feral Frenzy with Blindness for 60 seconds after they self-mend. This will make unhooks more difficult to coordinate for solo Survivors who rely on perks like Kindred.

Never-Sleep Pills

dead by daylight the legion never-sleep pills addon

While strictly a nerf to The Legion’s power, many players swear by the effectiveness of the Never-Sleep Pills. This Add-On reduces The Legion’s base movement speed in Feral Frenzy, but increases its duration by 10 seconds, allowing for more effective use of his power.

Mural Sketch

dead by daylight the legion mural sketch pin addon

The Mural Sketch increases The Legion’s movement speed bonus in Feral Frenzy to 0.3 m/s per Survivor hit, vastly increasing his movement speed. When paired with the Never-Sleep Pills, these two Add-Ons can make The Legion feel unstoppable.

Julie’s Mix Tape

dead by daylight the legion julie's mix tape addon

The powerful Uncommon Add-Ons continue with Julie’s Mix Tape, which refills The Legion’s power gauge if they are stunned out of their power. Using this with perks like Enduring and Spirit Fury can remove The Legion’s weakness to pallet stuns.

Etched Ruler

dead by daylight the legion etched ruler addon

The Etched Ruler makes Survivors hit by Feral Frenzy Oblivious for 60 seconds, leaving them vulnerable to a sneak attack should you return to their location.

Stylish Sunglasses

dead by daylight the legion stylish sunglasses addon

Arguably the strongest Rare Add-On for The Legion, the Stylish Sunglasses show the aura of Survivors who are mending within a 24-meter radius. This gives The Legion more information on nearby injured Survivors who he can down.

Stab Wounds Study

dead by daylight the legion stab wounds study addon

Like the Stylish Sunglasses, the Stab Wounds Study reveals the auras of Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound for 4 seconds after completion.

Iridescent Button

dead by daylight the legion iridescent button addon

Easily The Legion’s most powerful Add-On, the Iridescent Button breaks any pallets you vault during Feral Frenzy. This effectively removes many Survivor’s resources on a map in a fast fashion, forcing them to weaker nearby loops.

dead by daylight
Dead by Daylight

June 14, 2016
Behaviour Interactive
Horror , Survival