Dead By Daylight's 7th Anniversary Chapter, End Transmission, is the game's first big dive into sci-fi horror. The Chapter has come with a new Killer, The Singularity, and a new Survivor, Gabriel Soma. Each character has been released with 3 Unique Perks, some of which have proven to be more controversial than others. The Singularity's Unique Perks include Genetic Limits, Forced Hesitation, and Machine Learning. Gabriel Soma's Unique Perks are Troubleshooter, Scavenger, and Made For This.

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Whilst all the new Dead By Daylight perks have their uses, some are much stronger than others. Here, players can find the best Dead By Daylight: End Transmission Chapter perks, ranked.

6 Genetic Limits - The Singularity

Dead by Daylight Genetic Limits Perk

Genetic Limits is a much better version of some of the other Killer Exhaustion Perks in Dead By Daylight, such as Blood Echo and Septic Touch. When a Survivor finishes healing, this perk will cause them to become Exhausted for 32 seconds, which is an incredibly long time in a Dead By Daylight match. It can feel like an eternity for Survivors, and can really throw a spanner into their plans.

Combined with other Killer Exhaustion Perks, such as Fearmonger, this perk can almost completely stop the Survivors from using their Exhaustion Perks. Some of the weaker Killers who struggle to deal with perks like Sprint Burst and Lithe may find Genetic Limits particularly useful.

5 Troubleshooter - Gabriel Soma

Dead by Daylight Troubleshooter Perk

Troubleshooter is a pretty nice Survivor perk. When the Survivor drops a pallet, they will see the Killer's aura for 6 seconds. Being able to see the Killer's aura for that long is really useful, as the Survivor will be able to see what the Killer's next move is. Whether the Killer is winding up their next attack, moving around the pallet, or simply just destroying the pallet, Troubleshooter allows the player to plan out their next moves much more carefully. Newer players who aren't as confident in chases yet may find this perk particularly helpful.

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The Survivor will also see the aura of the Generator with the most progress, meaning they can avoid taking the Killer over to that area. This makes Troubleshooter particularly useful for players in solo queue, who can't communicate with their teammates.

4 Forced Hesitation - The Singularity

Dead by Daylight Forced Hesistation Perk

Forced Hesitation is a Killer perk that encourages the player to 'slug' (leave on the ground) Survivors. When the Killer downs a Survivor, any other nearby Survivors are Hindered for 10 seconds. This gives the Killer a chance to leave the downed Survivor on the ground, and try to get a few hits on any of the other Survivors who are nearby.

Forced Hesistation is a perk that will particularly excel on Killers who are good at the hit-and-run playstyle, such as The Nurse, The Blight, and The Oni. Combined with Infectious Fright, this perk especially could excel at dealing with pesky Flashlight Saving Survivors. However, only stronger Killers can really make use of it - weaker Killers may still struggle to catch the nearby Survivors to make it worth the Perk slot.

3 Machine Learning - The Singularity

Dead by Daylight Machine Learning Perk

Machine Learning is one of the most interesting perks from the End Transmission Chapter. The Killer needs to kick a Generator to activate the perk. The next Generator the Killer kicks will then become highlighted in yellow until it is complete. Once this Generator is complete, the Killer will become both much faster and stealthy for a solid 30 seconds.

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This deadly combination will be excellent for Killers where stealth is incredibly useful, such as the chainsaw Killers - The Hillbilly and The Cannibal. It could also combine well with perks such as Deadlock and Bitter Murmur, which also trigger when a Generator is complete. Players can maximise this perk by always making sure they kick a Generator that is about to be complete. By doing so, they could potentially get up to 5 uses of the perk, giving them a massive 02:30 minutes of speedy stealth.

2 Scavenger - Gabriel Soma

Dead by Daylight Scavenger Perk

Scavenger has been one of the most controversial perks amongst the Dead By Daylight community since its announcement. Whilst the player is holding a toolbox they have already depleted, and they hit 4 Great Skill Checks, they will have the toolbox fully recharged.

On some of the weaker toolboxes, this perk isn't a big deal, but combined with powerful toolboxes and add-ons, it can become a real beast for Killers to deal with. Some toolboxes can shave off up to 20 seconds on a Generator - being able to double this effect can make this perk incredibly troublesome for Killers.

1 Made For This - Gabriel Soma

Dead by Daylight Made For This Perk

Made For This is easily the best Survivor perk in the Dead By Daylight: End Transmission Chapter. The perk gives Survivors some incredible value - whenever the Survivor is injured, they will gain a 3% Haste status effect. It may not sound like much initially, but Survivors who know what they're doing can gain some seriously impressive distance on Killers when running this perk. Paired with Hope, this perk can make it incredibly difficult for some of the slower Killers to catch up with Survivors.

One of the reasons this perk is so good is that the Survivor has to do very little to obtain it. Survivors will naturally spend a lot of the match injured anyway, so this perk is essentially a free speed boost for a large majority of each match.

Not only this, but when the player finishes healing another Survivor, the player will gain the Endurance status effect for 10 seconds, allowing them to tank a hit. This further encourages the player to stay injured - paired with Resilience, which provides Action speed boosts while injured, the player will have very little reason to heal.

Dead by Daylight is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

More: The Best Killer Perks in Dead By Daylight