The bane of Survivors everywhere, The Nurse is the single most deadly Killer in Dead by Daylight. She is a total game-changer, as she can completely ignore the standard rules of looping by Blinking through structures at devastating speeds. This allows her to quickly land hits on Survivors both near and far before they have a chance to react.

This guide will spotlight some of the best builds to run on one of the most dangerous Killers in Dead by Daylight. These builds have an emphasis on both teachable and non-teachable builds for new players and veterans alike so that they can strike fear into the hearts of Survivors as they cut them down regardless of skill level.

UPDATE: 2024/03/15 12:51 EST BY LEWIS SMYTH

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Nurse

Remaining one of the most powerful Killers in Dead by Daylight , little has changed about The Nurse over the course of the game's history, aside from some tweaks to her power and her Add-Ons. This updated guide lists all the best Add-Ons you can run on The Nurse to make the most of her Last Breath power.

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Huntress (2024)

Near or far, there is no escape from The Huntress in Dead by Daylight with these powerful builds that reinforce her power.

The Nurse: Best Non-Teachable Build (2024)

dead by daylight the nurse best non-teachable build

As powerful as the Nurse is, her mechanics can prove difficult to master for new players. This build aims to passively slow down the game with Thanatophobia to give newer players more time to perfect the Nurse's movement and encourage pressuring multiple Survivors at once – something that The Nurse excels at. Furthermore, Bitter Murmur, Spies from the Shadows, and A Nurse’s Calling will allow players to keep track of Survivor movements and interrupt healing actions.

  • A Nurse's Calling (The Nurse) – Survivors who heal within a 28-meter range will have their auras revealed.
  • Thanatophobia (The Nurse) – For each injured Survivor, repair, sabotage, and Totem-cleansing speeds are slowed by 2%. After all 4 Survivors are injured, there is an additional 12% speed penalty.
  • Bitter Murmur (General Perk) – Each time a generator is completed, the auras of Survivors within 16 meters of that generator are revealed for five seconds. Once the last generator is complete, all Survivors’ auras are revealed for 10 seconds.
  • Spies from the Shadows (General Perk) – Within a 36-meter radius, cawing crows provide The Killer with a visual cue.

The Nurse: Best Build (2024)

dead by daylight the nurse best build

This build focuses on using some of the best tracking and generator regression perks currently available in Dead by Daylight. By using The Nemesis’ Lethal Pursuer, The Nurse can immediately find the location of Survivors in order to quickly land a hit. Meanwhile, Pop Goes the Weasel and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance will massively slow down generator progress upon hooking a Survivor. Finally, Nowhere to Hide allows players to find other Survivors near generators.

  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis) – At the start of the trial, all survivor's auras are revealed for nine seconds. This perk also increases the duration of other aura-reading abilities by an extra two seconds.
  • Nowhere to Hide (The Knight) – Kicking a generator will reveal the aura of all Survivors within 24 meters for five seconds.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown) – After hooking a Survivor, kicking a generator in the next 45 seconds will remove 30% of its current progression.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist) – The Killer starts with four tokens. For each different Survivor hooked on a white Scourge Hook, lose one token and explode the generator with the most progress, causing it to lose 25% of progress.

The Nurse: Best Add-Ons

Plaid Flannel

dead by daylight the nurse plaid flannel addon

Useful for beginners, this simple Common Add-On shows players the target location of a Blink, allowing for more accurate positioning.

Heavy Panting

dead by daylight the nurse heavy panting addon

This Rare Last Breath Add-On increases The Nurse’s lunge attack by 30% after performing more than one Blink. This allows the Killer to land hits where Survivors would otherwise be out of reach.

Fragile Wheeze

dead by daylight the nurse fragile wheeze addon

Acting like Sloppy Butcher (one of the strongest Dead by Daylight Killer perks), the Fragile Wheeze Add-On inflicts the Mangled status ailment for 70 seconds on Survivors hit by Blink attacks. This can help slow down healing speeds by 25%.

Jenner’s Last Breath

dead by daylight the nurse jenner's last breath addon

Among The Nurse’s most oppressive Add-Ons, Jenner’s Last Breath enables her to warp back to her original position once all her Blinks have been used. This can be used to great effect when patrolling an area while still defending a hook or generator, preventing the anti-camping meter from filling up.

Torn Bookmark

dead by daylight the nurse torn bookmark addon

Perhaps The Nurse’s strongest Add-On, this Ultra Rare gives her an extra Blink, at the cost of a 30% power recharge time, giving her more opportunities to land a hit on a Survivor.

dead by daylight
Dead by Daylight

June 14, 2016
Behaviour Interactive
Behaviour Interactive
Horror , Survival