Killers in Dead by Daylight have a plethora of perks that provide them with information regarding the survivor's location. Aura reading perks require certain conditions to be met and will show a survivor's aura for a few seconds. Many of the strongest killer builds depend on aura reading perks, as information is the key to victory in Dead by Daylight.

Knowing the possibility of specific aura reading perks can give survivors an advantage to spot patterns in the killer's behavior and know which perks they may have equipped. Survivors can use their knowledge and be confused if they know their aura is about to be read. Once survivors have figured out specific aura reading perks, they can give false information by heading in a direction, then go another once the aura reading perk is used up.

Dead By Daylight: Best Healer Builds

Players who like to take the role of a healer in Dead by Daylight may want to consider the following builds.

6 Bitter Murmur

survivor working on generator

Survivors have five generators to activate, and finishing generators quickly is paramount to escaping. If a killer has Bitter Murmur, survivors must be cautious after completing a generator as their aura will be exposed. After a generator is completed, Bitter Murmur will reveal all survivor auras within 16 meters of the generator for 10 seconds.

Survivors would head to the next generator they will repair or go for an unhook. If survivors notice that the killer can predict where they go after completing a generator, the killer may have Bitter Murmur.

Heading in a fake direction for a few seconds will throw off the killer and cause them to chase nothing and waste their valuable time.

5 Barbecue & Chilli

Rebecca crouch hooked survivor wesker killer

Barbecue & Chilli is a killer favorite perk due to its simple requirements and strategic timing. After hooking a survivor, all survivor auras 40 meters away from the hook will be revealed for five seconds. This is an excellent perk for killers as it gives them a target right after hooking a survivor.

Dead By Daylight: 6 Anti-Tunneling Perks For Survivors

Survivors shouldn't ignore these anti-tunneling perks in a Dead by Daylight match.

If the killer sees no auras, they will know all survivors are within 40 meters. This perk is easy to spot as survivors will notice the killer heading directly to a specific survivor after hooking a player. Players can hide in a locker just before a teammate is hooked to mask their aura and prevent it from being revealed. Players can also waste the killer's time and hide in a locker after the five-second reveal, although there is never a guarantee which survivor the killer will head to.

4 Darkness Revealed

Huntress checking locker hatchet

If survivors have noticed killers randomly check lockers and then hone in on a survivor, the killer is probably using Darkness Revealed. After investigating a locker, the aura of any survivor eight meters near a locker will be revealed for five seconds. The perk has a 30-second cooldown but is still devastating if players are unaware it exists.

The most common use this perk provides killers is revealing the aura of survivors working on generators that happen to be near a locker. Many generators will be near a locker, but knowing that the killer will be focused on those generators can be used to a survivor's advantage. Any survivor working on a generator near a locker must have a safe escape plan to avoid a hit from the killer. Despite how useful lockers are for survivors, this perk turns their strongest tool into a weakness.

3 Lethal Pursuer

dredge 3 survivor aura locker

Killers often have trouble finding their first chase as survivors have an easy time hiding at the start of the game and are at an advantage. Killers can get a devastating early game start by using Lethal Pursuer as it reveals the aura of all survivors at the beginning of the game for nine seconds. The perk also increases all aura reading perk duration by two seconds. This perk works flawlessly with high mobility killers such as Nurse, Hillbilly, and Blight, as they can capitalize off this information and get a down early in the game.

Dead By Daylight: The Best Killer Add-Ons

Add-ons in Dead By Daylight can turn killers into unstoppable machines. These powers are some of the best to pick up.

Survivors can give the killer a rougher time by spreading out at the start of the game and working on separate generators. Killers will focus on pressuring survivors who are grouped up as it will pressure more players.

2 Ultimate Weapon

2 survivors working on gen killer aura

While Darkness Revealed can be dodged by being cautious near lockers, Ultimate Weapon can easily be dodged if players use Jake Park's Calm Spirit perk. After opening a locker, Ultimate Weapon lasts 30 seconds and forces all survivors entering the killer's terror radius to scream and reveal their location.

Ultimate Weapon has a cooldown of 30 seconds on Tier 3. Survivors will be inflicted with the blindness status effect for 30 seconds after screaming. This perk is straightforward to spot on killers as they will randomly open lockers without any survivors being in the vicinity.

1 Survivor Counters

Kate hiding from clown killer crouch

Jake Park's Calm Spirit is an underrated survivor perk that prevents survivors from screaming, and it also nullifies all sounds when opening chests or cleansing a totem, but at the cost of 30% speed reduction. Survivors can counter aura reading perks by using the Distortion perk given by Jeff Johansen.

Distortion provides survivors with three tokens at the start of the match, and one token is restored for every 30 seconds survivors spend in the killer's terror radius. A token is consumed each time the killer tries to read a survivor's aura with distortion, then shields the survivor's aura and scratch marks for the next ten seconds. This perk works flawlessly to detect if a killer has Nurse's Calling, as a token will only be drained when a survivor is healing another player and the killer is near. Nurse's Calling will reveal all survivors healing within 28 meters of the killer.

dead by daylight
Dead by Daylight

Behaviour Interactive
Horror , Survival
Online Multiplayer